Meditate... Letting Go of Guilt and Moving Into Forgiveness

1 year ago

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Meditate letting go of guilt and moving into forgiveness My name is Kolae Perkins

My vision for you is that you will step out of the fear of being you, to see yourself as divine.

Guilt is feeling that you need to hide and not be seen.
remember being a little kid and breaking something, maybe a dish or throwing a ball through the window.Then trying to quickly clean it up so no one will notice and no one will know that you did it.Then hiding somewhere because you thought that the world was going to end.

The feeling of having dirt on you. It's like you've been camping for days, and you come home and you're so dirty and you just want to get in the shower.

A feeling of embarrassment, I'm just so embarrassed. How could I have done that?

I was not enough, I didn't measure up.

Let's change the definition of guilt. Let's make Guilt a warning sign. Guilt is an awareness of something that we have thought done, or said that is not in alignment with our values.

It's simply a little flag that pops up and says hey you might be squashing the value.

Do you want to keep that value or do you want to get rid of it?

Is this a value that's no longer serving you?

We get can rid of a guilt in two ways:
1.We can move the value.
2. We can keep the value and live more fully in it.

This is a really great way of getting rid of Guilt is recognizing that it's simply there.

To help us so I want to share the scripture with you from Isaiah 61 verse 3.
It says: “Provide for those who grieve in Zion.”
Who's providing? Jesus Christ
“to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of Ashes,
the oil of Joy instead of mourning,
a Garment of Praise instead of a spirit of Despair,
they will be called Oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord for the display of his life”

Think about it if we can get rid of the spirit of Despair, that's what guilt is, it's a spirit of despair.

We can become like trees oak trees, not just any tree, an oak tree that is firmly planted in the ground.It knows its values and understands who it is and what is there to do.

We will be Splendor magnificent, we will have the oil of Joy within us.
I love this scripture because it reminds us, that through the power of the atonement we can be forgiven.

What does guilt look like in the body?

In the Physical body: When It is time to sleep our brain is running over and over the mistakes of the day.

In our Mental thoughts: We think how can I even get up in the morning? How can I move forward? I want to avoid, I want to throw the covers over my head or I just don't even care.

Then the Emotional body: The feeling that energy gets trapped inside of us. I'm not enough, not Measuring up, I will never make it.
Then our spiritual body: You are feeling judged by yourself. We feel like everyone else is judging us. We even think God is judging us.

I would really like to do with you today a 3-minute meditation on your guilt.
I need you to get a pen and a piece of paper, pause this video while you go do that.

I'm so glad that you went and got a piece of paper.

I need you to write on the top of your piece of paper your own guilt and you have 1 min to write down everything that comes to mind.
Write down what someone said that made you feel like you weren't enough. Maybe, as you were growing.

For the last minute write down the things that you may have given others. Something that you might have said or maybe something that you might have done that has helped others to feel this guilt that you are feeling.

Now that we have done this and you have thought about how Guilt has affected you.

Now What do I do?
The first thing I want you to do is be aware of guilty feelings. When you first feel guilt, I want you to let the guilt go. I want you to live in a space where you can.

The best thing you can do now is take a few minutes and write yourself a love letter. Telling yourself How We All Fall Down.Think of an infant, a toddler who is learning to walk, we never push them back down and tell them to stop trying. We encourage them, we clap for them. That's what you need to do for yourself.

When you find yourself in an imperfect place, which we will do often. Lift yourself up by enjoying yourself and keep improving upon those mistakes.

Every time you look in the mirror I want you to say: “I love you!” “You're worth it!”
Time Stamp:
00:00 Meditate... Letting Go of Guilt and Moving Into Forgiveness
00:55 Define Guilt
01:49 Redefine Guilt
02:24 Isaiah 61:3
03:35 4 Bodies of Health
04:34 3 Min Meditation on Forgiveness
09:15 What's Next
10:16 Morning Meditation

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