Super Soldier Talk – Harris Cabriuto – Kruger Super Soldier

1 year ago

Original Record Date: November 7, 2022

Harris Cabriuto served in Kruger mercenary core on the Vulcan Team. His service number is 252-3316-284. During this time, he was tasked with weapons handling and optimization to ensure weapons were in prime condition for combat use. Harris served from August 2007 to the present time here in 2022 but in another time loop which has yet to completed. He was originally taken to Facility 94 on Mars where he trained with Kruger and MDF forces in special ops and base perimeter security. During this time his commanding officer was Harry Dunwaite. Harris believes his C/O went through training at West Point in 2001 and then recruited through Mcdill Air Force base in 2006 and then put into the Mars Defense Force. Harris was also stationed as a major at the LOMEX Complex, Annex Q, level 31. Room 63, Rockefeller Barracks in 2016 stationed with a Kruger contingent. His officer training took place at LOC between 2017 and 2019. Harris graduating class was in July 1st 2019. He was also stationed at Special Section 16, the coordinates of this MDF facility are located somewhere near Ignatius Mons 83.091346 13.68 3771. Today Harris will be sharing more of his memories along side his friend nusken who also served together. Nusken has been on my show before but Youtube banned it for violent information.

Harris’ contact email is

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