Before You Vote: Top Sin of Biden's Malicious Brood -- INFLATION

1 year ago

Dem Party no Longer Pursues the Common Good, But Mere Power by Malice


The policies of Joe Biden and his crew since entering office are remarkable for their ill conceived nature, inherent failure rate, and the utter evil that most cause. And yet, Joe couldn’t be more proud of his tenure. Yet his pathological lying, reinforced by VP Kamala suggests all is not well in the cardboard and styrofoam Garden of Eden Biden and staff erected.

Locke: “Govt exists to promote public good, & protect the life, liberty, & property of its people.”

Why have Biden’s policies failed so miserably? Essentially the reason is, Biden, and especially his advisors, accept Marxism as both wise and factual. Therefore, they’ve started their journey with a failed roadmap. Further, their goals are not to succeed in the traditional sense, but to establish in America a society which accepts Marxism as desirable, regardless of the outcome.

But Joe Biden pretends that a government may make any decision it wants, without explanation. Further, that it’s not the public’s business if the government destroys wealth since leaders have the inherent right to make any decision they choose. Within these ideas are not just tyranny, but also the destruction of property which could impoverish an entire society. Such is occurring now.
Bearing in mind how failed is Biden’s entire presidency, let’s examine the #1 complaint of voters before the election -- INFLATION
Biden was warned overspending would trigger inflation, or he’d would “pull a Jimmy Carter.” Instead, he ostentatiously ignored this well established advice. Therefore, Biden & Co. WANTED TO CREATE INFLATION. Why? It no longer matters. See Steve Forbes on Inflation.
See The Real Cause Of Inflation Is Insane Government Spending:
“Watching the screen on a gas pump while filling your vehicle’s tank is liable to induce a panic attack. Paying for a used car almost requires taking out a second mortgage. Speaking of mortgages, members of the middle class are being priced out of the housing market as home prices march relentlessly upward. Many price increases are out of control.
How’d we get here? A bit over a year ago, before the Covid-19 pandemic, most prices were fairly stable. More recently, general price inflation is at a 40-year high.
The late economist Milton Friedman helped explain the inflation and stagflation of the 1970s. His explanation helped shape the strong economic recovery of the 1980s, built on the principles of limited government, with sound monetary policy that resulted in a steep decline in what had been rampant, double-digit inflation.”
See Government Spending Is the Cause of, Not the Antidote for Record Inflation:
“Inflation is perplexing. On an individual level, it inflicts harm on consumers at no fault of their own. It presents consumers with substandard choices: shell out more money for the same goods, change your consumption basket, or forgo your purchase, for example. It eats away at workers’ paychecks and precious savings. So what is inflation? Simply put, inflation is the broad rise in prices and fall in the value of money. As economist Milton Friedman stated, “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” It is not a fiscal phenomenon, related to government taxes or budgets. Friedman continued, saying inflation “can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.””
But consider: Inflation up 13% since Biden entered.
What was inflation under Trump? He’s 4th Best!
“The economy during the Republican’s term (2017-2020) was upended by coronavirus. Inflation averaged 2.2% inflation — the third-lowest of the 10. The rate ended back where it began during Trump’s lone term — at 1.3% and fourth-best. And while Trump’s 4.6% unemployment average was second-lowest, the pandemic’s business chill pushed joblessness from 4.9% to 8.1% in four years. That increase was the second-largest since WWII.”
How about Reagan-Papa Bush? Number 1!!
“The White House era of Republicans Ronald Reagan & George H. Bush (1981-1992) averaged 4.2% inflation — No. 4 of the 10. But it’s best remembered for when the cost of living cooled with inflation’s fall from 13.5% to 3% over 12 years. This decline of 10.5 points is unmatched since WWII. The 7.1% unemployment average during these three terms was the second-highest while going from 7.2% to 7.5%. That uptick may seem mild, yet it likely cost Bush re-election.”
Inflation now is at a 40 year high & costing each American on average an extra $460 a month, as Americans lost $6,000 in purchasing power. See NY Post: “Record-high US inflation has analysts gloomy: ‘Just no place to hide’”:

“Consumer prices blew past expectations – and not in a good way – with the 8.6% annual increase the fastest in more than 40 years. Worse, the increases were nearly ubiquitous. Just no place to hide. With gasoline prices up 50% year-over-year, rent prices having increased by 31%, and food prices rising at their steepest rate in more than 41 years during the same period, “any relief for household budgets remains elusive,” McBride said.
Meanwhile, the average American has lost $34,000 from their retirement during 2 years of Biden's inflation spike, as $2.1 TRILLION is lost from Americans 401K accounts, or 25% of our retirements.


It’s said a man is known by his fruits:

Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Version
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.


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