Marco Rubio demands GOP Senate leadership vote be postponed after midterm failures

1 year ago

Marco Rubio demands GOP Senate leadership vote be postponed after midterm failures
Coming off the heels of a lackluster GOP midterm performance, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) urged Republicans to postpone next week's Senate leadership vote.

Rubio, who cruised to victory in his Florida Senate reelection bid, cautioned that the party needs to reassess its leadership in the upper chamber to ensure its top brass is being a champion for working-class Americans.

"The Senate GOP leadership vote next week should be postponed," Rubio tweeted. "First we need to make sure that those who want to lead us are genuinely committed to fighting for the priorities & values of the working Americans (of every background) who gave us big wins in states like #Florida."

Rubio serves alongside Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who had been gearing up a challenge against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and reportedly received former President Donald Trump's blessing. Since his White House departure, Trump has frequently admonished McConnell.

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