Featured Business @104 Christian Fleck

1 year ago

Hey, I’m Christian. I guide you to create inner balance, calm and clarity.

Is this for you*?

If you intend to melt down your mental blocks and create an empowering reality: yes

*I don’t care if you are a CEO, founder, athlete, corporate rebel or magician
*I do care if you are ready to face your fears, meet your mental blocks and look at what is
*I do care if you want to create a meaningful life and contribute to a more balanced world

If you’re ready, you’ll re-create a story that reflects your truth, what you need and what you are here to contribute in this world. By listening, asking powerful questions and practicing the art of slowing down.

The symptoms of unrest, confusion and inner tension will be naturally balanced out by the calm, the sense of ease and the lightness that comes with practicing presence

What do others say?
“Guided by his questions (not always comfortable but always respectful and frank) and mindfulness practice, I managed to: clear my scattered mind by feeling my heart, find my inner saboteurs and shut them up” - Christiane Bachl, Teamlead & Corporate Rebel

"The thing I admire most about Christian is his absolutely exceptional skill of holding the space for you, your thoughts, emotions and feelings. His razorsharp focus and deeply loving and intuitive approach to any of our conversations and interactions were an absolute gift"
- Sebastian Mattl, Leadership Coach

"Chris has an innate ability to see right through the noise and point to what is really going on inside of you. But he does not just point it out... he mirrors it for you so you can see it for yourself"
- Kat Kugler, Founder Humanplus

I do this work and founded The Slow Down Club, because slowing down and training my mindfulness has changed my life in a way that is hard to describe with words. This stuff went straight into my heart and soul.
After leaving the sports industry I built a sustainable sportswear brand. Despite the switch from corporate to entrepreneurship the inner peace I hoped I'd get did not show up.

That is when I knew it is time to go inside. The rest is history.
(I always wanted to write that somewhere :))

What else?
At the moment I am recovering from knee surgery. Yet my big dream for next year is to bikepack from Vienna to Istanbul. Recently I reduced sugar massively. What a ride.

What’s next?
👉🏼 Drop me a DM to see if we are a fit / if you want to learn more about The SDC
👉🏼 Head over to my featured section to check out the podcast and other stories
👉🏼Take a niiiiice inhale in and exhaaaaaaale a bit longer.


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