Eve's darkest sides stories and feminism are clearly visible now

1 year ago

Sean Moon spoke about a new book by Jonathan Cahn "Return of the Gods".
Cahn argues that America is inviting back the pagan gods of Moloch and Asherah in its promotion of transgenderism. Second wave feminism encouraged women to abandon marriage as an oppressive, patriarchal institution. In Matthew 19, Jesus said “did you not know that in the beginning, God made them male and female. The man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.” The fires of sexuality should take place only in the fireplace of marriage.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded feminist studies in colleges around the country. President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the Great Society program that subsidized low-income mothers as long as they were not married. Black families in the USA had an 80% rate of marriage in the 1950s, but that declined to less than 30% in our time.

He spoke about the story of the baseball player Derek Jeter, who called home saying the training was so hard! His mother urged him to come home to relax, but his father told him to overcome and persevere. He persevered and went on to 5 world championships.

The value of Martial Arts training is that it gives you intensive experience of being humiliated. Even Joe Rogan, a Martial Arts champion and Black Belt, shared testimony of being dominated by a Jui Jitsu purple belt. It is a big wake-up call where you have to face fear and adversity, and abandon self-delusions. You also learn about the just use of force.

The scripture talks about a “spiritual battle” where you have to persevere no matter what. Learn emotional self-control, which is useful in parenting. “Just parenting” means don’t use the “rod” out of anger. Otherwise, you’re “ruling” like a Communist.

In ancient Israel, at age 13 the boys would join the men to begin training to fight in the militia. True Father warned that using alcohol or drugs makes you act emotionally and out-of-control.

When Judeo-Christianity comes into a nation, it does a “national exorcism” of pagan practices like “temple prostitution,” ie. the selling of women’s bodies for wealth and power.

The term “sacred prostitution” was an oxymoron. In the modern context it’s actually a pagan cult that exploits the female body including the huge mega-industry of pornography. The rabbit hole of porn starts with images that addict, with loads of dopamine followed by the adrenaline provided by hard, violent porn involving abuse, rape, etc.

Sexual liberation led to “unwanted” fatherless children and the “need” for abortion. Women’s “healthcare” = killing children. In ancient cultures women would carry their children to the high priest to be thrown into the fire. Today women go to an abortion "healthcare provider." Leaders in the abortion movement have been involved with the occult. Several wiccan leaders say that abortion is a sacrament in their religion.

The rainbow was given by God as a promise of His covenant (Genesis 9:8-17), not as “pride” in fallen behaviors.

The sacrifice of children for the benefit of adults is the opposite of Jesus, a grown man, choosing to give his life as a sacrifice for the human race. In the ancient world, national exorcism required tearing down the temples.

We should seek not just a spiritual revival. There should be changes in the law so that the defilement of children is punished. If we do not sit in the judge’s seat of authority then Satan will sit there. Our goal is not just engaging in a spiritual war, but in taking dominion to create a Godly nation and world.

Richard A. Panzer Newsletter
Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA


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