Upcoming Events and Discussing Current Events

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Upcoming events:
Thurs Dec 1: Berks County Patriots Christmas Party Honoring Veterans
6:30 – 8:30 PM, doors open at 5 PM to socialize at Hamburg Field House, Hamburg PA
Bring an unwrapped toy for children ages infant to 15 years old
Bring a donation item: non perishable food, toiletries, clothing (new/gentle used). Could use new adult size socks and underwear. Donations are going to veterans.
Food provided by multiple sponsors, but you can bring desserts or sides if you like to share.

Thurs Dec 1: Lehigh Valley Tea Party / the 9/12 Project of the Lehigh Valley Inc Holiday Meeting:
7-9 PM, doors open at 6 PM to socialize, must be a member to attend or be a guest of a member, membership is currently $20/year.

Bring dessert to share, LVTP will provide free coffee and tea
Will have voter fraud legislation update.
Will have medical freedom committee update
Will have a pass the mic session to discuss ideas for 2023

Thurs Dec 1: Free PA Meeting
7 PM, doors open at 6 PM to socialize held at the Moose Lodge 18 N Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA
Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes will be giving an updated on Election Integrity and have copies of their book “The Parrallel Election” for sale.

Fri, Dec 2: UnitePA is hosting an event “The Way Ahead – Defeating Shapiro’s Agenda”
7-9 PM Servant Church 204 S Abington Rd, Clarks Summit, PA
Must RSVP: https://www.evite.com/event/03983PZLWUD63QCN6EPNMUD7TTKVIY/rsvp?utm_campaign=send_sharable_link&utm_source=evitelink&utm_medium=sharable_invite

Note: the address is wrong on the evite link, it is supposed to be 204 not 206, so make sure you input the right one in your GPS if using one.

Speakers include:
Deborah Jordan – Council of American Patriots – Luzerne County, how democrat vote harvesting machine works on the local level

Jaimee Walsh – what to expect in schools, the progressive agenda and how we can fight it

Sam Faddis – president of PA Patriot Coalition, president of UnitePA, building a new GOP that will fight for our rights and values

Sat, Dec 3 Cumberland County Moms for Liberty Meeting
9 AM – 12 noon at Young United Methodist Church 7075 Wertzville Rd. Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Understanding Education Today and Your Parental Rights

Pennsylvania Citizens Request Numerous Precinct Election Recounts


Berks County Republican Committee and Pennsylvania Liberty Fund Support Election Recount in 30 Precincts

Nov. 21, 2022, Berks County, Pa.—The Berks County Republican Committee (BCRC), together
with 94 voters, today filed election recount petitions for 30 precincts in the Berks County Court of
Common Pleas. The election recount process is jointly-funded by the BCRC and the Pennsylvania
Liberty Fund, a political action committee that is connected with the Pennsylvania Liberty

“Numerous voters complained to us — and continue to complain to us each day — that
these electronic voting machines were switching their choices from Republican to Democrat for
the offices of U.S. Senate and governor,” BCRC Chair Clay Breece said, “We want to make this
expressly clear: No one is alleging the 2022 election is stolen. A recount is only an investigation.
We are asking for a court order to open the ballot boxes so the paper ballots are manually counted
by human beings to verify that the machines are working as advertised.”
Under the Election Code, after the Berks County Board of Elections completed a final
count on Wednesday, November 16th, voters had exactly five days to file a petition for a recount
as applied to their precinct.

“If everyone believes in free, fair, and accurate elections, then there shouldn’t be any threat
from a recount,” said Ron Boltz, President of the Pennsylvania Liberty Fund.

Died Suddenly Documentary was released November 21, 2022.
A MUST watch about those who are dying from mysterious clots after receiving the COVID shots.

HHS Announces New $350 Million Initiative to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations

“HHS will distribute funding to health centers to support community-based vaccination events and outreach focused on underserved populations

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), announced a new $350 million initiative for HRSA-supported health centers to increase COVID-19 vaccines in their communities, with a specific focus on underserved populations. This funding will support health centers administering updated COVID-19 vaccines through mobile, drive-up, walk-up, or community-based vaccination events, including working with community-based organizations, and other efforts to increase the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.”

Ontario College of Physicians recommends ‘medication’ and ‘psychotherapy’ to encourage COVID vaccination: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontario-college-of-physicians-recommends-medication-and-psychotherapy-to-encourage-covid-vaccination/

“It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption.”


G20 Summit

"23. We recognize the need for strengthening local and regional health product manufacturing capacities and cooperation as well as sustainable global and regional research and development networks to facilitate better access to VTDs globally, especially in developing countries, and underscore the importance of public-private partnership, and technology transfer and knowledge sharing on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We support the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub as well as all as the spokes in all regions of the world with the objective of sharing technology and technical know-how on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We welcome joint research and joint production of vaccines, including enhanced cooperation among developing countries. We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates."


Misinformation, Disinformation – harassment / bullying – should be prohibited according to offcials
“On November 19, Mendicino tweeted that Canada will host a G7 summit next year to fight “disinformation.”

“Taking a leading role at the G7, Canada has invited counterpart interior and public safety ministers here for a summit to tackle disinformation, which is one of the most pervasive threats to all our democracies right now,” he tweeted.”

WEF Carbon Tracker:

WEF: "Where are they traveling? How are they traveling? What are they eating? What are they consuming on the platform? So, individual carbon footprint tracker. Stay tuned. We don't have it operational yet, but this is something we're working on."

GMO Free USA Facebook:

“In case you missed it... a U.S. District Court held that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s decision to allow genetically engineered (GMO) foods to only be labelled with a "QR" code was unlawful, and that USDA must instead add additional disclosure options to those foods under USDA's National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard. The Court sent back to the agency the QR code portions of the 2018 Trump administration rules for GMO labeling that went into effect on January 1, 2022, which hindered consumer access with burdensome electronic or digital disclosures. "We are very gratified that the District Court has acknowledged the flawed nature of the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard and has removed at least one of the very egregious aspects of it from the labeling standard," said Mark Squire, co-owner and manager of Good Earth Natural Foods. "We will continue to fight for complete honesty and transparency in food labelling."
"I am delighted with the court's decision today," said Pamm Larry, organizing director of Label GMOs (and also on GMO/Toxin Free USA’s board of directors). "The decision is a victory for the consumer's right to know what they are buying and putting in their children's mouths. Let us hope that USDA goes back to the table and delivers a regulation that protects our rights and requires that food manufactures tell the truth about what's in our food."

This court ruling sticks it to the USDA, Bayer-Monsanto, Big Food and Big Ag. And we’re one step closer to real transparency. But there are at least several more very egregious points within the new GMO labeling law that need to be struck from the regulation for us to have true GMO labeling.”

Read the court ruling: https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/files/ge-labelng-sj-decision_73582.pdf

The Highwire Episode 294 Ministry of Truth:
RHONY Star Bethenny Frankel Goes Off!; G20’s Disturbing Declaration; Congressional Panel: ‘Censorship Kills;’ Top Covid Doctor Under Fire, Exposes Gov’t RNA Vaccine Operation Pre-dating Covid https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-294-ministry-of-truth/

PA H.R.7780 - Mental Health Matters Act

Things we briefly touched on that we will discuss more next stream:
How some view abortion as “essential healthcare”

Operation Stingray on Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov


Pretends to be a tower. It begins acting as a tower and radiates a signal more powerful than the nearby cell towers, so cell phones connet to the stingray over the tower. Phones lose ability to call or receive calls or texts or any other form of communication. The person using the stingray device, can access your data (your phone number, who you have been calling or texting, who has contacted you, what websites you have visited, what cell phone towers you have pinged – your location, drain your battery by overloading with requests for signal.) Gov mount them to a vehicle, drone or vehicle or backpack.

Over the past five years, DOJ and DHS have spent approximately $95 million to acquire various types of cell-site simulators. Additionally DHS provided more than 1.8 million in grant money to state and local law enforcement to purchase cell-site simulators.

County sheriff has used stingray over 300 times with no warrant

The StingRay Is Exactly Why the 4th Amendment Was Written

Police documents reveal how law enforcement keep Stingray use secret

Forgot to mention as we ran out of time:
FDA gaslighting Ivermectin:

If you find this information informative please consider giving a donation:

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