1 year ago

Covid vaccines are made w/ synthetic "pseudo" spike proteins & Vaccine IS the Infection: https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/virology-debunked-w-cracker-jack-pcr-test---10-points-on-the-box @ https://immunizationagenda2030.org "Immunization Agenda 2030" A Global Strategy To Leave No One Behind https://wunicef.org/supply/media/3186/file/_VIC-2019-Session-2-Tania-Cernuschi-IVB-WHO.pdf

5) If NIH, Pfizer only had a computer code 'pseudo' genetics of a virus for EUA vaccines; then they have never previously 'Isolated' SARS COV2 from all other things; otherwise, they would have used the original isolate. Alien mRNA Vaccines w/ Mutant Spikes man-made with computer code! It has been shown there is no evidence of SARS COV2, nor any other virus, ever being Isolated from a human. Covid vaccine manufacturers claim the synthetic spike protein from the vaccine "is the infection". A "toxin". Is "long covid". Spike protein "fairy tale"; a self-adjuvant? Therefore, PCR test could show positive if vaccinated. mRNA "Vaccines" are Gene editing and Gene Therapy by combining synthetic recombinant DNA, Often with undesirable on target and off target mutations ala GMO; run by DARPA, CERN for CRISPR gene editing for humans and animals and foods in bio-labs run by the "scientific technocratic elite" at MIT, Harvard & Koch Institute. NACI admits the bi-valent vaccines have "no protection" only "immune response" or a "strong" poisoning. FDA: "formation of antibodies does not necessarily create immunity." Warnings of adverse effects from Covid vaccines on female fertility spontaneous abortion risk of sterilization, miscarriage, birthing, menstrual irregularities, period delay, concentrate in ovaries, blood clots, myocarditis & pericarditis and heart damage. CDC & Pfizer admits and previously posted that they did not test their vaccines on the elderly, pregnant women or children nor pregnancy nor babies not approved for newborn nor men's reproduction nor sperm counts nor birth rates dropping or stem cells; covid vaccines made from fetal cell lines. They 'didn't have the data' by March 28th 2021 until a first NIH clinical trial on just 20 pregnant women began on June 24th 2021. EU-Pfizer document shows mRNA vaccines contain bacterial endotoxins and manufactured using E. coli bacterial with 50% junk mRNA creating random proteins and autoimmune disease ala Cov-AIDS. Changes gene expression or re-engineering of proteins and blood cells coming from the liver. ala Telomere Terminator causing cancer and aging. Covid vaccines contain NIH: Sodium Chloride drive autoimmune disease. NIH: Tromethamine, a Melamine, in drive sterilization. Toxic SM-102 ethanol w/ Chloroform. Novavax Animal mRNA. Animal Venom, Viper Venom. Pharmacia means Poison. Vaccine-Induced Spike Proteins damage the brain and cause cancer. 1600 athletes collapsing and "died suddenly". Luciferase etc. for bio-tracking.

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