A hungry wolf and a wise lamb

1 year ago

Wolf and Lamb: One day a lamb began to graze in a meadow with a flock of sheep. Being very mischievous, the lamb wandered far, far away from the sheep. He began to revel in the sparkling and delicious weed he found there. He slowly walked out of his group, but did not notice this process. The lamb was fumbling with something else in the dark: the wolf was on his heels! When the lamb learned that it was lost and far from the flock, it decided to return and become part of the flock. However, the lamb was stunned when it saw a hungry and fox wolf behind it. The lamb realized he had no choice but to surrender to the wolf. The lamb asked the wolf, "Will you eat me?" The wolf declared: "Yes, definitely!" The Lamb said again, "Can you watch a few more times? I even ate some weed now and my stomach is full of weed. If you eat me now, you'll feel like we're eating grass! Please wait for the herbs to digest." The wolf agreed, "Oh yes, I'll wait. You're here before me and I can wait a little longer!" The lamb thanked the wolf. After a while the wolf was able to get ready to slaughter the lamb, but the lamb stopped him again. "Dear wolf, please wait a little, a little longer. The weed needs to be digested. If you eat me now, you will see a variety of weed in my stomach! Let me dance, after that it will be easy to digest." The wolf agreed. The sheep danced like crazy for a while, after which it all stopped immediately. The wolf asked, "what had happened?" The Lamb said, "I can't dance well because there's no music. Do you see that bell around my neck? Can you untie this bell and ring it loud? Then I can dance fast and the grass in my stomach is digested very quickly.” The wolf, triumphant over the decision to eat the lamb, transformed into one ready for anything. He took off the bell that was tied around the Lamb's neck and rang with all his might.
Meanwhile, the shepherd began looking for a lamb and heard a bell ringing. He noticed a wolf and a lamb. He ran towards the wolf with a stick. Seeing the shepherd with a stick, the wolf ran away, and the sheep turned into a saved one!
Physical strength is not always enough. Sometimes weaker people with smart minds can physically defeat stronger ones!

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