A proud Red Rose

1 year ago

This is a tale of a proud red rose.
A red rose bloomed in the forest on a beautiful spring day. As the rose looked around, a nearby pine tree said, "What a beautiful flower! I wish I could be that beautiful." Another tree said, "Dear pine, don't be sad. We can't have everything." The rose turned and remarked, "I seem to be the most beautiful flower in this forest." The sunflower lifted its yellow head and asked, "Why are you saying that? There are many beautiful flowers in this forest. You're just one of them." Red Rose replied, "I see that everyone is looking at me and admiring me." The rose then looked at the cactus and said, "Look at that ugly plant full of thorns!" The pine tree said, "Red Rose, what's the point of this conversation? Who can say what beauty is? Please see that you have thorns too." Staring at the jaws, the proud red rose said, "I thought you had good taste! You don't know what beauty is. You cannot compare my thorns to cactus thorns." What a proud flower, the t seerees thought. Rose tried to push the roots away from the cactus but couldn't. As the days passed, the red rose would look at the cactus and say insulting things like, "This plant is useless." Too bad I'm his neighbor. The cactus never got upset and even tried to give the rose some advice, saying, "God did not create life forms without a purpose."
Spring is over and the weather has become very warm. Life in the forest became difficult because it didn't rain. The red rose has started to fade.
Once a rose saw sparrows stick their beaks into a cactus and then fly away refreshed. This confused me, and the red rose asked the pines what the birds were doing. Pine explained that the birds get their water from the cactus. "Does it hurt when they poke holes?" asked Rose. "Yes, but the cactus doesn't like to see birds suffer," replied the pine. Rose opened her eyes in surprise and exclaimed, "Does the cactus have water?" “Yes, you can drink from it too. The sparrow can bring you water if you ask the cactus for help." The red rose was too ashamed to ask the cactus for water, but in the end she asked for help. Cactus graciously agreed. The birds filled their beaks with water and watered the roots of the rose.
So the rose learned her lesson and never judged anyone by their looks again.

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