What is your backup plan?

1 year ago

Possess a strategy? Or what is your backup plan?

Do you have a strategy for the gym, may I ask?
Or perhaps more importantly, do you have a life plan?

Do you have one or many backup plans?
You cannot just workout at the gym without a strategy there has to be a reason why you’re attending the gym? Well-being, weight loss, social activities, to find new friends, structure & routine, self-discipline, and the list goes on and on for what your reasons for attending the gym are.

You might be training for an event that your keen to take part in. Or have you been training for a long period of time. Yes, I am sure a lot of you are doing anyone of the above-mentioned reasons for attending the gym.

If you go to the gym without a plan or strategy in mind, then choose to do whatever feels good rather than sticking to a regimen that is customised to your goals.

The reason behind this might be that your current goals are still unclear to you.

You’re attending the gym to find yourself. Well, my friends if you fall within this category ‘this is a plan’ and within time you will develop the strategies to move forward and achieve all your goals, one by one ticking each new goal off.

Your deeper sense of purpose & passion will be felt and clearer seen within your mind.

Do you agree that this is also true in life?

You lack a strategy, a plan, and most likely, less or zero results. Those awesome people with a strategy are the ones who excel in the gym and within life.

Do you agree that regular exercise, healthy eating, and correct amount of rest for you is the healthy choices needed to achieve the desired results for people who consistently visit the gym and are dedicated to having a trim, firm and or chiselled figure.

The same applies to life.

Now the rest of your life is spent repeating this pattern.
Perfect harmony of rhythm. Putting the healthy choices into yourself and receiving the positive results. You are looking good on the outside and feeling even greater within yourself.

Negative financial outcomes?

You will experience negative financial outcomes if you do not have a plan for your finances.

Without a clear understanding of what you want to offer and who you want to sell it to, you will fail in business within the first six months and adding to the horrifying statistics regarding small business failures.

Nothing will teach you the value of having a strategy for your achievement like working out at the gym. Design your strategies that tailor suit you. Think about developing your backup plans.
Move forward and achieve the results you seek and smash every goal that you desire to become true.

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