Republicans used FTX, too

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1 year ago

Republicans used FTX, too
By Terry A. Hurlbut
The FTX scandal did not limit itself to the Democratic Party. Establishment Republicans took money from FTX, too – and used it to suppress their rebel “MAGA” faction. Not only that, but that same Establishment tried to block an investigation of FTX by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In fact the American people heard this over a month before Midterms. Now, with leadership and House organizational elections coming up, those opposed to Kevin McCarthy and what he stands for, are reminding their fellow citizens.
Republicans and their FTX connections
CNAV tips its hat to Laura Loomer, who ran for a Congressional nomination, and lost in August, under suspicious circumstances. Now that Midterms have come and gone, Ms. Loomer has shifted focus to the broader question of whether Republicans stand for anything but “getting the slots” for patronage. Without question she is a key player in the dispute between Establishment Republicans and “MAGA Republicans.”
On November 18, Loomer accused Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) of using “dirty FTX money” to ruin her primary campaign. She cited this article by Frankie Stockes at National File. That organ also took to Twitter, reported more extensively, and named some interesting names:
They also covered some of the demands the Freedom Caucus were making as the price of supporting McCarthy as a Speaker candidate:
National File ended with rumors that many politicians – from both Parties – were returning the money.
But not all.
In fact, Frankie Stockes cited this piece in The Washington Post, directly crediting Kevin McCarthy with “swaying the GOP field.” Some of the money definitely came from FTX. To be sure, the Post piece seems to think McCarthy acted correctly, and insults his targets. But that only lends further credence to the central allegation. Which is that FTX played both side, and the Republicans played along willingly.
They can’t hide it
Other organs besides National File started sharing this allegation, including USSA News and the Oklahoma Shooters’ Association. But the scandal doesn’t stop there. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, definitely tried to stop the Securities and Exchange Commission from investigating FTX, according to The American Prospect. In fact he boasted about it as far back as March:
At a recent leadership election, Tom Emmer became Majority Whip-elect.
Loomer also cited this piece in Yahoo! News from April 22, 2022. It describes Kevin McCarthy as wanting Twitter (then under Old Management) to ban more Republicans. But that same article quoted McCarthy as denouncing “Big Tech” for its censorship:
Diversity of opinion is the lifeblood of our democracy. And yet that fundamental American value is under assault by Big Tech — entities that have amassed more power and more control over more speech than any other institution in history.
McCarthy said that after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) lost her personal account. She has since gotten that account back, now that Elon Musk runs the platform. But she has also “cut a deal” with McCarthy to support him in the House Republican Conference. That last act prompted Laura Loomer to “disavow” her friendship with, and support of, Greene. Frankie Stockes shared this footage of Greene
vowing to impeach Joe Biden, back Laura Loomer for Congress, before turning her back on BOTH causes.
Some Republicans talking out of both sides of their mouths
The evidence clearly shows establishment Republicans talking out of both sides of their mouths. Moreover, the legacy media are proud of them for doing so. This applies to The Washington Post and also to The New York Times, who found audio recordings of McCarthy calling on Twitter to ban his Republican opponents. (And also saying he had told Donald Trump to resign or get “Twenty-fifth Amendmented.”)
Reporters like Frankie Stockes – and Laura Loomer, who was a journalist before becoming a candidate – are revealing an ugly underside of the Republican Establishment. This is what Loomer means by referring to “Uniparty” – a coalition of establishment Republicans and nearly all Democrats. She has in fact suggested that Trump should announce an independent run for the Presidency and form a new Party.
That last is a decision for Trump alone to make. But the decision for voters to make remains the same. Are they content with living under people who take laundered money for their political campaigns? What does being a Republican even mean? Recall: FTX got its money from Ukraine, which got its money from the American taxpayer.
Again, if most voters are really copacetic with this, then secessionists like Andrew Torba are correct. Laura Loomer has proposed a different kind of secession. Whether that’s wise or not, only you can decide. Do you want Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House? Or have I shown you that maybe we ought to have another? You decide.
Link to:
The article:

Frankie Stockes’ tweetstorm about Kevin McCarthy using FTX money:

The WaPo story:

Tom Emmer’s tweet sequence avowing his intervention on behalf of FTX with SEC:

Footage of Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) vowing to impeach Biden and back Loomer before switching allegiances:

Declarations of Truth Twitter feed:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

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