Diving into a Amazon River and Coming Face to Face with a 7 meter long Anaconda

1 year ago

Diving into a Amazon River and Coming Face to Face with a 7-meter-long Anaconda | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
Bartolomeo Bove and Juca Ygarape were diving in the Formoso River in Brazil when they made a shocking discovery – a massive python hiding in the water. The video journalist Bove stated that pythons are common in the area, but this one was particularly large. The anaconda, also known as the Eunectes or South American water python, is a semi-terrestrial, partially aquatic species that frequently hide in South American marshes, rivers, and deep forests. The giant blue python is the largest of the four, with adults reaching a length of 5.21 m and a weight of 100 kg (220 lb.). Their enormous length can only be slightly surpassed by their "brothers" among reptiles; the Asian spotted python has the enormous length of all snakes and can reach adult lengths of almost 7 m. This particular anaconda was very curious and came close to the camera to lick the lens. It was an amazing sight to see such a huge creature up close!

Bartolomeo Bove and Juca Ygarape were diving in the Formoso River in Brazil when they discovered a massive python hiding in the water. This giant snake was an anaconda, also known as the Eunectes or South American water python, which is a semi-terrestrial, partially aquatic species that frequently hides in South American marshes, rivers, and deep forests. The anaconda is the largest of the four types of pythons, and adults can reach a length of 5.21 m and a weight of 100 kg (220 lb.). Their enormous length can only be slightly surpassed by their "brothers" among reptiles; the Asian spotted python has the enormous length of all snakes and can reach adult lengths of almost 7 m. The anaconda approached the camera out of curiosity and came to lick the lens, showing no regard for the presence of divers. This gigantic snake is truly amazing to see up close! Please subscribe to our channel, Three Tea Trees, after watching the most recent video. We sincerely appreciate it.

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Things You Didn't Know About the Anaconda
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⁄⁄ T H A N K Y O U
Diving into a Brazilian River and Coming Face to Face with a 7-meter-long Anaconda
#threeteatrees #Brazilian #anaconda #diver #discovery

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