🚨BREAKING! Massive protests against Covid 19 restrictions are spreading in major cities in CHINA! Situation is getting unmanageable!!

1 year ago

Protests multiply in China against 'Covid zero' policy

There was confrontation with the police in Shanghai; residents of Beijing, Nanjing and Wuhan also took to the streets to call for an end to lockdowns

11/27/2022 - 3:09 PM (UPDATED ON 11/27/2022 - 7:42 PM)

Protest in the streets of Beijing against anti-covid measures


On the third day of protests by the Chinese population against the strict "Covid zero" policy imposed by the authorities, there was a clash between police and demonstrators, who took to the streets of Shanghai this Sunday (27). Other cities, including the capital, Beijing, joined the wave of civil disobedience, which is happening for the first time in mainland China since Xi Jinping took power a decade ago.

The manifestations of indignation intensified already on the night of Saturday (26), with the suspicion that the blockages to the circulation have made it difficult to escape and rescue victims of a fire in the far west of the country, causing even more deaths.

China has lived for almost three years with one of the strictest health policies in the world. On Thursday night (24), ten people died in a fire that hit a residential building in Urumqi, in the Xinjiang region (west), where there is one of the longest isolation policies imposed by the Chinese authorities. Many of the city's 4 million residents are barred from leaving their homes for up to 100 days.




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Videos of the incident posted on social media led to accusations that the lockdown was a major factor in the death toll, triggering further protests. Students from Beijing and Tsinghua Universities, both in the capital, and Nanjing University also demonstrated.

On Saturday (26), in the early hours of the day, public officials from Urumqi held a press conference in which they denied that the anti-Covid measures had made it difficult to escape and rescue from the fire.

In Shanghai, a candlelight act was held in memory of those killed in the fire, on Wulumuqi Street (or Urumqi Road), named after the city of the incident, as Wulumuqi is the name of the place in Mandarin. The vigil turned into a protest against Covid restrictions, with the crowd calling for the lockdowns to be lifted.

The police maintained a strong presence on this street this Sunday (27), where hundreds of people gathered again. Protesters held blank sheets of paper as an expression of protest, and some clashed with the police, who were trying to disperse them. A witness heard by the report saw at least seven people being taken away by the police.


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"We just want our basic human rights. We can't leave our house without getting tested. It was the accident in Xinjiang that brought people to this point," said a 26-year-old protester, who asked not to be named due to the sensitivity of the situation. Subject.

In Wuhan, the city where the Covid pandemic began, residents also took to the streets this Sunday and, in videos posted on social media, some of the protesters appear to tear down barricades.

China maintains its Covid-zero policy even as most restrictions are eased across much of the world. Although low by global standards, Covid cases in that country have been reaching record highs in recent days, with nearly 40,000 new infections on Saturday alone.

case record

China recorded the fourth consecutive daily record for Covid-19 cases, with 39,791 new infections on Saturday (26), the National Health Commission said on Sunday. Of those with a confirmed diagnosis, 3,709 were symptomatic and 36,082 were asymptomatic. China counts patients with and without symptoms separately.

Excluding imported infections, China reported 39,506 new local cases, of which 3,648 were symptomatic and 35,858 were asymptomatic. There was one new death, bringing the total number of deaths to 5,233.









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