"How We Are GMO'd" No One is Talking About the Smoking Gun's!! You Have Been Lied Too!!

1 year ago

We have been Lied too for over 100 years!! This is an overview of the attack on Humanity and our Environment to keep us sick! USDA, FDA, NATO etc... Dr. Wil Spencer educates us on these topics in this video. We will have future episodes on a breakdown of each topic.

Crispr Technology
Personal Care
Academia- The Stockholm Syndrome




Book Reference’s

Genetically Engineered Food by Ronnie Cummins

Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey Smith

Transhumanism by Joseph P Farrell

Minerals for the Genetic Code by Walters

The Biology of Agression by Sijthoff & Nordhoff

Social Engineering of the Masses by Tavistock Institute

The Leipzig Connection by Paola Lionni

Dr. Wil Spencer,D.PSc, VMSP Naturopath

Wil is an unconventional master of alternate healing modalities and is continually investigating new methods and discoveries. His training has taken him around the globe whereby he incorporated alternate sciences from all aspects of vibrant health and well-being.
Wil has received training and gained expertise as a Master Herbalist, Reiki Master, he is skilled at Endorphin Therapy, Massage Therapy, Photonic Therapy, Touch for Health, Quantum Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique, Trigger Point Therapy, Acupressure, Reflexology and Shiatsu. Wil has earned several degrees from the International Institute of Vibrational Medicine in Energy Awareness, Emotional Mental Mastership, Energy Kinesiology, and holds a diploma as Vibrational Medical Science Practitioner, while continuing his study in Energy Medicine and Mind/Body Medicine. Additionally, he is an Ordained Minister of the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards as a Diplomat of Earth Stewardship and a Certified Spiritual Healer.
When the plandemic erupted Wil understood the threat and created protocols for defense and recovery. Many of his already existing products assist with overcoming the plandemic illness as well as addressing effects of shedding. He is also deeply involved with Advocacy groups for those suffering the plandemic and medical malpractice with his membership in MOVCAC and with the group Patient Advocate Bulldogs.

Above all, Wil lives and breathes a deep knowing that vibrant health is available to all who are willing to look beyond conventional paradigms to the underlying causes of nature, nurture and health – to those willing to create for themselves and others an intention to live in a clean environment of harmonious energies, nourishing their bodies with natural foodstuffs and enjoying the value of life as a part of a greater whole in a spirit of a loving community.


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