Laughing VA Shooter’s Death Note States He Was “Led by Satan” to Murder

1 year ago

American Mass Killers Exposed as Devilish Minions as Evil Trend Explodes

Chesepeake, VA serial killer Andre Bing left a DEATH NOTE in his phone: “Sorry everyone but I did not plan this I promise things just fell into place like I was led by the Satan.” Slaughtered coworkers noted his “Evil Aura,” intuiting his true character, nicknaming him, “Jeffrey Dahmer,” infamous cannibal serial murderer. This single admission is the dark red connection between all the recent US murder sprees which reveal hopeless, angry men seeking devilish revenge via violence and murder.

Consider that 2022 is rated the worst year for mass murders, at 40, outside of 2019, which had 45. But this year is not yet over. US DOJ states, “A mass murder is defined as the killing of three or more people at one time and in one location.” So what is causing such killings to go up? Some claim there is no epidemic of mass shootings, but a plague of fear.

What kinds of psychology is involved? The Homicide Research Working Group writes:

“A Typology of Motivations: One of the most intriguing yet often perplexing questions concerning mass murder is in determining what prompted an assailant to take so many lives. In some incidents, the motivation is complex consisting of multiple forces that are challenging to reconcile, while other attacks—especially when the offender confesses or leaves behind written or video documentation of purpose—reveal a single provocation that can be easily identified. Of the many ways one might classify these incidents, a motivation-based typology with five categories—power, revenge, loyalty, terror, and profit—is particularly useful. Like most typologies, of course, the categories are not mutually exclusive; some mass killings involve a mixture of motivations.”

But, it’s undeniable that as America becomes increasingly secular, we stray further from truth. Abandoning God, it’s inevitable we end up staggering down the wrong path. In fact, Bing admits he failed God and chose to follow the devil. If Christianity becomes weaker every day, which all statistics support – such as 25% of Americans now identifying with no religion., then the Gospel message fades, and other ideas take its place.

US Killings have occurred more frequently, with more victims, over time. See, Serious Mental Illness and Mass Homicide:

“Studies of mass killings strongly suggest they began to increase in incidence in the 1980s, and that the incidence is increasing. The most comprehensive survey of mass homicides in the 20th century reported 73 such killings from 1990 to 1999. In 2017, nearly one incident meeting the federal government’s definition of “mass shooting” occurred each day. As to the percentage of mass homicides in which the perpetrator had an untreated serious mental illness, the answer varies based on how serious mental illness and mass killings are defined, the time period covered and other factors. In general, however, it appears that at least one third of mass killings are carried out by individuals with untreated serious mental illness, even when narrowly defined. The mass killers identified as mentally ill are almost all diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder with psychotic features, with “clear-cut psychosis” or “probable mental illness.”

As more decide to abandon Jesus's command to forgive and turn the other cheek, they obviously seek their own personal revenge on those they can no longer abide. If this seems simplistic, it boasts one advantage. It’s literally true that sincere Christians don’t follow God by murdering other humans.

In fact, some mass murderers to have stated allegiance to Satan. For example, recent 2019 Dayton killer Connor Betts described himself as a pro-Satan leftist who “supported Elizabeth Warren,” and hated Trump. And recall The Umpqua Community College shooter obsessed with Satan, who penned a manifesto found in his computer. 26-year-old shooter Chris Harper Mercer wrote, “I am going to die friendless, girlfriendless, and a virgin.” He wanted to “serve darkness.” Was Mercer possessed?

Said one source, “The guy did this strictly for satanic purposes. He did it to become a god in hell. He wants to be evil. That is his goal, to serve Satan.” Mercer singled out Believers during his massacre, demanding victims state their religion. Then shooting admitted Christians in the head. And don’t forget Son of Sam, given marching orders by a speaking satanic dog. Or, Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker who worshiped Satan.

Consider, Bing stated, “Sorry God I've failed you, this was not your fault but my own. I failed to listen to the groans of the holy spirit which made me a poor representation of You.” The shooter confusedly refers to God while admitting doing Satan’s work. You can’t have it both ways. Jesus stated in John 8:44: "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. A murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.”

Bing gave into paranoia, writing – “The associates gave me evil twisted grins, mocked me and celebrated my down fall the last day. That’s why they suffer the same fate as me. I wish I could have saved everyone from myself. My God forgive me for what I’m going to do.” Bing also mentioned one young lady – repelled by his “demonic aura.”

Are so-called anti-psychiatric medications also to blame? See:

Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) released a report – Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide: School Shootings & Other Acts of Senseless Violence. Studies link antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc, to adverse effects including hostility, mania, aggression, self-harm, suicide and homicidal thoughts. More than 60 examples of school and mass shootings, stabbings and senseless violent acts committed by those under the influence of psychotropic drugs or experiencing serious withdrawal from them.

Was the murderer an ‘Incel,’ or Involuntary Celibate? Like Chris Harper Mercer ? Bing writes, “My true intent was never to murder anyone believe it or not. I was actually one of the most loving people in the world if you would get to know me. I just wanted a wife that was equally yoked as I and obsessed over the thought; however, I didn’t deserve a wife.” See A Crime Script Analysis of Involuntary Celibate (INCEL) Mass Murderers & Inside incel death cult of Plymouth killer - as movement linked to 6 mass murders.

America must come to grips with the seeming ever-increasing pace of murders. Living in a land of failed marriages and families, where little time is spent teaching children manners or the art of gratitude, the US has a cold feel these days. In fact, if America doesn’t return to Church to practice modeling ourselves on Christ – we will no doubt end up with a lost society that finally fell – because we didn’t care enough anymore to do anything about it.

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