The Truth behind Health Care Supplements in the USA | A Modern Healer's Journey #11

1 year ago

In this video, Tammy Bennett talks to Jeremy about supplements in the United States.

00:00:00:06 - 00:00:22:05
Speaker 1
Hello and welcome, everyone. My name is Tammy Bennett. I'm an Oriental medicine doctor, and I'd like to welcome you to my show called A Modern Healers Journey here on YouTube and Rumble. You can also follow me on my website. You can like and subscribe if you like what you hear. Ask for more. Give me feedback and if you have questions, feel free to reach out.

00:00:22:13 - 00:00:52:18
Speaker 1
Not a problem. I'd like to tell everyone I wanted to dedicate the show to a good friend of mine and a mentor to Jeremy. Dennis McInerney. I met Dennis 25 years ago at Acupuncture College. He was the first person to introduce me to functional medicine. He was a great tumor. Every time he and I talked on the phone, I had a question.

00:00:52:18 - 00:01:08:18
Speaker 1
He was always there and he gave me a joke. He's passed on and I wanted to dedicate the show to him and that's how I actually met Jeremy through the Bionics Research Corporation. And I will let Jeremy tell you what he does at Biotics Research Corporation. Welcome.

00:01:11:05 - 00:01:48:21
Speaker 2
Yeah, thank you for having me. So I am a regional sales manager for Biotics Research. I work with licensed professionals, practitioners and basically teach them some of not only the new research that's going on in the industry, but protocols, formulas that Biotics research has to offer. And I work with practitioners anywhere from the northern half of Florida to the southern half of Georgia.

00:01:48:21 - 00:01:50:14
Speaker 2
That's. That's my area.

00:01:50:14 - 00:02:10:17
Speaker 1
Gotcha. And I there are a million questions that I have. I'm going to try to keep myself on track with you. And I had a long conversation not too long ago about how we were going to do this, because I could go off on a tangent, we could talk for hours. So tell me about how supplements work in the United States.

00:02:10:17 - 00:02:30:03
Speaker 1
I know that they're not all created equally. There are lots of nutritional supplements on the market. You can't sneeze, go on Facebook or do anything without seeing supplement information. So very basically for the audience, how are supplements regulated and how are they produced in the US?

00:02:30:12 - 00:03:10:04
Speaker 2
Yeah. So you know, we could honestly talk about that for for quite some time. Keeping it simple, the barrier of entry for the supplement world is just so easy. You know, if I wanted to start a company this morning and buy some products, some raw material, let's say, from anywhere from China, from Amazon, and I wanted to put that into a bottle in my garage and then seal it.

00:03:11:00 - 00:03:58:11
Speaker 2
I can go sell it or I can sell it on Amazon and say it's, you know, magnesium stellarator or whatever the raw material is. I'm allowed to do that. The FDA regulates a little bit, but I'm just doing a quick Google search. You know, you can pull up Walgreens, CVS, 7-Eleven, supplements that every once in a while they get tested, whether or not they meet the label claim of what they say they're selling and just doing a Google search, you'll see how many times they fail meeting that label claim.

00:03:58:15 - 00:03:59:03
Speaker 1

00:04:00:15 - 00:04:36:20
Speaker 2
Yeah. One of the ones that that really stood out to me before I got into this industry was, you know, I was always taking protein powders, you know, growing up, I played high school sports, a little college sports, just trying to be an athletic, you know, person. Supplements in protein is a good thing, right? Right. And I remember coming across a protein powder that said no sugar, you know, clean protein.

Full transcript available at

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