Terrifying 8m Giant Sea Worm Will Not Let You Sleep What Exactly Is It

1 year ago

Terrifying 8m Giant Sea Worm Will Not Let You Sleep: What Exactly Is It? | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
For centuries, sailors have told stories of giant sea creatures that could swallow a ship whole. Some said they were serpents, others claimed they were giant squid. But no one had ever seen one of these creatures – until now.Two divers, Uncle Steve Hathaway and Andrew Buttle, were exploring a small island off the northeast coast of New Zealand when they came across something strange. There was a large creature in the water, moving slowly and seemingly without direction.At first, the divers thought it was a worm – but as they got closer, they realized that this was something entirely different. The creature was made up of thousands of smaller animals, all swimming closely together to create a single mass.As the divers watched, the creatures began to secrete a sticky substance that solidified into a hollow tube. This 'tube' moved with the currents and tides, undulating through the water like a giant serpent.The two men had discovered a Pyrosoma – a genus of marine creatures that are rarely seen by humans. These incredible animals can grow up to 200 meters long and are found at depths of 10 meters or more in warm seas close to coral reefs.It was an amazing sight – and one that will likely never be forgotten by those who witnessed it firsthand.

A weird sea monster was abruptly discovered by two divers, Uncle Steve Hathaway (56) and Andrew Buttle (48), while they were diving on a little island off the northeast coast of New Zealand. This creature is as soft as silk, has a tubular shape, and has a transparent body. The incredible moment this monster moved beneath the water was caught on camera. When the divers swim softly around, they "shudder" and move. Divers initially thought it was a sea worm. However, it is genuinely a horde of countless more microscopic animals. Swimming closely together, they produce a sticky substance that solidifies into a hollow tube. They can be found at depths of about 10 meters in warm seas close to coral reefs. They can move 200 meters and alter shapes. "Never met in person or even seen on film," Mr. Buttle, who recorded the event, claimed. They are Pyrosoma, a genus of marine creatures of the family Pyrosomatidae of the order Pyrosomida, according to Mr. Buttle. They move through the ocean's currents, tides, and waves and are called enormous sea worms because of their size relative to other zooplankton(small aquatic animals). That's all for now! After watching, please subscribe to our channel-Three Tea Trees-to see the most recent video. Thank you very much!

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Gross video of the day - 8 Meter Sea Worm
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Terrifying 8m Giant Sea Worm Will Not Let You Sleep: What Exactly Is It?
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