6 Foods you Should Not Be Eating. Dietitian Approved

1 year ago

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Today we go in depth on several common foods that are doing you and your family harm. I talk about all the nutrition details. The effects on the body. Basically, everything I can find about why these foods should never be eaten, so that you can be supper informed and help educate others. This list includes, but is not limited to:

1. American Cheese 0:39
2. Cereal 3:48
3. Soda/Energy Drinks 7:38
4. Nightshade Plants 13:10
5. Dressings and Dipping Sauce 17:00
6. Baked Goods, and Pre-Packaged Boxes for Baking 19:00

Natural Homemade Mayonnaise:

Homemade Ranch Dressing: Note: substitute mayonnaise with natural real mayo, made with olive oil, or avocado oil. See above.

Homemade natural Sweet & Sour Sauce: Note: Make sure to use a quality ketchup or make your own.

Homemade ketchup:

Homemade Teriyaki Sauce: Note: You do not need to add any oil. Completely unnecessary. This recipe calls for sesame oil, which is used as a flavor enhancer. People think it makes food taste more Asian. It's bad for you, and I think it tastes better without.

Homemade BBQ: Note: This is an easy one to play with. You can mix up the ingredient list to create different flavors and consistencies. There is no one way to make BBQ.

Homemade Chick-fil-a Sauce: Note: must use homemade BBQ and Mayo to be most healthy. See above. Chick-fil-a sauce from the restaurant is actually really, really bad for you.

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