Everything About This Dog Was Broken Except His Gentle Soul

1 year ago

Enzo is a beautiful and gentle dog with a tragic past, that is full of pain and misery. He was covered in mange and his ears and tail had been butchered in a botched attempt to pass him off as a purebred Cane Corso. He is mainly Cane Corso, but also part Neapolitan Mastiff, pit bull and German shepherd. It is believed that he had been part of an unplanned litter and after a failed attempt to pass him off as a purebred, it was clear that he could not be sold. In a Texas town near the border of Mexico, Enzo was dumped and forgotten, like a bag of trash.

Enzo had mange, and untreated, this developed into sores and infections. He wandered the streets, eating garbage and scraps. He developed serious stomach issues from eating things that no do should, and he lost weight. Growing weaker and thinner each day, Enzo's medical problems grew and he became less able to fight off skin infections. His face and body were covered with scabs and open wounds. Enzo could not survive as he was.

In an area already overrun with unwanted and neglected animals, Enzo was taken to a shelter. Here, he received some care and some food, but he needed much more, and there was no room for him to stay. It would be an act of mercy to end Enzo's suffering and his days were numbered.

Somebody at the shelter saw through the scabs and lesions, understanding that Enzo was a beautiful dog underneath. A desperate plea was put out for just one caring and committed person to help him. Black Dog Farm and Rescue in Texas heard the story and they were told that nobody had answered the call. There were no funds and no prospects for this poor dog who had never had a chance. Jennifer and Jim worked with the shelter to arrange transport to their sanctuary. They take in the most hopeless and desperate rescues, refusing to give up on any animal.

Enzo arrived with no reason to trust anyone, yet he put his faith in the family at Black Dog Farm, quickly attaching himself to Kennedy, Jennifer and Jim's daughter. He soaked up the love and affection and ate each meal like a dog who would never see the next one. He had severe food insecurity and he was itchy, sore, and exhausted. But he was gentle and loving. Despite his hideous skin and sores, he was given a chance to snuggle and feel the warmth of human contact. He responded wonderfully to the kindness he was shown.
Enzo needed veterinary care for his skin, his digestive tract, and other problems that he had developed. But he took all of poking and prodding well, never complaining or showing aggression toward anyone. He tolerated his baths and coconut oil treatments and he accepted leash training. He even let the family put pyjamas on him to keep him warm until his coat grew back. Enzo was almost bald and he was skin and bones.

Slowly, Enzo was socialized with the other dogs at the sanctuary. Faith, an incredible rescue herself, is a permanent resident here. She has her own story and she is another example of what hope and love can accomplish. Faith took Enzo under her wing and taught him how to play and how to be a friend. Enzo met the cows, goats, cats, and other dogs over the coming weeks and he loved them all. His gentle nature helped the others accept him easily.

Enzo has grown stronger and healthier each day, and he has grown more handsome too. With his fur and healthy skin, the beauty of this majestic is obvious. A gorgeous dog had been hidden beneath the horrific scabs and wounds. Enzo is no longer itchy and in pain. He understands that food is consistently offered, and he runs and plays with a happiness that warms the heart. Enzo's transformation has been dramatic. It's been hard, and expensive too. But Enzo is worth all of it. His heart is as big as he is.

There is one thing missing in Enzo's life. He is looking for a family that will love him forever. Black Dog Farm and Rescue are particular about placing their rescues. They want nothing but the best for the beautiful animals that pass through their doors. If you think you know somebody who can be very good to Enzo, please reach out.

Black Dog Farm and Rescue Texas can be found on Facebook or contacted through this channel. Please check out their page for heart warming stories of other rescues. They could also use any support that is available to help them with the costs of doing the work that they do.

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