Why Do Peacock Dance? (Explained)

1 year ago

Ever wondered why do peacock dance? and why do peacock dance in the rain? Here I explain the reason behind peacock dancing and also speak about the scientific reason behind peacock dancing in the rain !

Hope you enjoyed this video on why do peacocks dance in the rain?
and hopefully this answered all your questions on why do peacocks open their feathers? and why do peacocks scream?

Transcript -

There is nothing more mesmerising than to watch a peacock spread their incredible eye-spotted tail feathers and perform an elaborate dance.

It’s also a widespread belief that the peacock dance is a signal to the onset of the monsoon, But there is actually a scientific reason behind that.

Anyways before that firstly let's get into why do Peacock dance?

Peacocks perform an elaborate dance show also known as courtship dance where their intention is flaunt their beautiful feathers in order to attract a mate.
Through their dance they get a chance to display their energy, muscular power, and fitness,

To start the dance, the peacocks first lift its tail and open them to form a full semi-circle fan or a half-moon expanse. Then the peacock shakes the tail sensuously.

It rattles the feathers and produces a rattling sound and a mesmerizing view of loose feather barbs moving to and fro. The eyespots also make a pattern at the end of the feather’s shaft.

This vibrant dance of the peacock gives the peahen a good chance to choosing the right and healthy mate.

However have you ever wondered why do peacock dance in the rain?

Well, the answer being, Peacocks don’t dance just because it is raining. In main parts of Asia such as India, the peacock’s mating season which being around May coincidently happens the same time as the monsoons.

Hence, we see them performing their beautiful dance in the rain.

During this season, it's also quite common to hear peacocks scream or shout with their unique calls in order to get the attention of the peahens before they perform their dance

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Music -

Cinematic Piano | URANO by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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