WARNING: This Will Get You Arrested In Dubai

1 year ago

No one likes to think about going to jail or having to pay a fine for a crime they didn't know they did. In this video We have made a list of 10 small crimes that, if done in the UAE, could get you into a lot of trouble with the law. You can't say you didn't know what was going to happen, can you?

Filming an accident scene
Since taking pictures or videos of accidents is a serious crime in the UAE, you shouldn't do it unless you want to file a claim for compensation for any injuries or damage to property that may have happened. In fact, it is against the law in this area for people to gather near the scene of an accident. You broke two laws: Article 44 of Law No. 34 of 2021 under the UAE Cybercrime Law, which went into effect on January 2, and Article 197 of the UAE Penal Code under the Ministerial Resolution No. 178 for 2017 on the Rules and Procedures of Traffic Control. On January 2, this year, both of these laws went into effect. Taking pictures of people who have been hurt in an accident can get you between 150,000 and 500,000 dirhams in fines and up to six months in jail. If people gather too close to the scene of an accident, they will have to pay a Dh1,000 fine. A lot of people, each of whom was just fined Dh1,000 for gathering around accident sites, did this.

Having house cleaners in your home who don't have proper papers
Employers of household workers are required by law to sponsor their workers. But if you have the nerve to hire an undocumented worker, you should also have the nerve to think about how bad your actions will be. Federal Law No. 10 of 2017 rules about domestic workers are being broken by what you are doing. People who break the law have to go to jail and pay a fine of at least Dh50,000 and no more than Dh5 million. A man from Egypt was seen in Sharjah a few years ago. He broke the law by hiring a housekeeper who wasn't on his sponsorship, so the police took him into custody and fined him Dh 50,000.

Illegal satellite TV
Are you thinking about putting up a satellite dish antenna without permission so you can watch your favourite show on Dish TV or another service? You are making yourself vulnerable. People who use illegal TV streaming services could be in trouble with the law. Authorities in the UAE have said many times that it is against the law for illegal, unlicensed, and unauthorised TV service providers to advertise, sell, or distribute TV service in any way in the country. You broke Law No. 7 for the year 2002 as well as Federal Trademark Law No. 37 for the year 1992 and any future changes to either of those laws. In addition to going to court, the penalty is a fine of Dh2,000. A criminal court in Dubai found an Asian man guilty of illegally selling satellite TV receivers that decode channels. As a result, he was sentenced to one month in prison and fined Dh5,000. On top of that, he was told to shut down his store.

Putting food out for strays
It might seem like a good thing to do to feed hungry stray cats, but it's not good for the cats. Animal welfare groups think that if feral cats are fed, they will have more kittens, all of whom will suffer and die at a younger age. The Dubai Municipality says that it is against the law to feed or water strays in Dubai. This includes dogs, cats, and birds like crows and pigeons. You are not following the rules that the Dubai Municipality has set up. The amount of the fine is Dh500. Even though we don't know if anyone has been punished for this, people in many places have been sent circulars telling them not to leave food out for strays and other homeless people.

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