How rightful rage is redirected into Bigotry by the Fallen.

1 year ago


In this VIDEO, I discuss phenomena surrounding hate and bigotry...

To make absolutely clear, to hate upon someone based upon their:
* age
* religion
* gender/sex
* race
* sexual orientation
Is stoopid... it is also stupid to give oneself get out clauses for hating a subsect of humanity i.e. as is so popular these days "it's ok to hate white men because of their inherent privilege"

Now... when one is dealing with parasitic-narcs, carriers of darkness-taken-form.... often they will encourage bigotry against various sub groups of humanity... they do this is part to cause discord and suffering, but also to keep the heat off themselves..

On example I discuss in the video, is how when there are these 'Christian sorts' hating on homosexuals, how often the loudest proponents of such hate are either closet and repressed homosexuals themselves OR human predators using an already vulnerable group of people to direct peoples ire towards..

As long as it is consensual and between adults... in the eyes of God its not a big deal.

What IS a BIG deal in the eyes of God, are rapists and paedophiles... abhorrent and inhuman behaviour that is intimately intertwined with those bonded with darkness...

And even that there IS wisdom... in the subconscious drive in people to hate a 'subgroup'.... BUT the nearest form of ethical bigotry you can come to - is to hate against those who have bonded with the satanic demiurge.... but they cannot be identified specifically by race/gender/etc... as they are chameleons!

IF you are going to hate, then be discerning and ensure your hatred is against the correct target! To hate in a bigoted way is so ridiculously stupid, one that does so deserves a good slap with a wet kipper at bare minimum, and YES I included those modern day feminists who justify hating men.

We have an enemy to justifiably hate, do not let yourself be turned against your fellow human. Human predators come from every walk of life, learn how to identify predators - which can be man/woman/white/black/straight/gay or whatever else.

To Love
To Protect
To Lead by example
To seek truth, no matter how terrible
To do the right thing, no matter the cost

The oldest of our Sacred Laws: The blood of the innocent shall NOT be defiled.

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