Ed Walters & Philip Klass Debate UFO Footage- A Rare TV Appearance

1 year ago

Of the many accounts of UFO sightings, photographs, and videos, the sensational reports that originated in Gulf Breeze, Florida are some of the most controversial. Gulf Breeze was a small city of approximately 6,000 at the time of the wave of sightings that began in the winter of 1987.
News of UFO photos par excellence spread rapidly and far, becoming a world-wide sensation, and the subject of a plethora of newspaper and magazine articles, television talk shows, and feature programs.

Though many sighted the elusive flying craft and snapped photographs of the glowing lights, the majority of attention was on one Edward Walters, a local building contractor. According to Walters, the sightings began on November 11, 1987. He was working late that night when his attention was drawn to a light coming from his yard.

As he went to the window to get a better vantage point, he saw a glowing object partially obscured by a 30 foot tall pine tree in his front yard. Racing outside to get a clearer view of the object, he was taken back by the sight before him. He was staring at an object with the shape of a top.

It had a row of dark squares which were separated with portals between them. The craft seemed to hover just above the road, showing a glowing ring around its bottom. Ed ran into his house, and grabbed his Polaroid camera. He snapped off several photos of the craft before deciding to get even closer. He headed into the road.

Gulf BreezeAs he paused in the street to take more photos of the strange object, it began to hover almost directly over his head. Walters was then hit by a bright bluish beam which shot from the object. He was literally lifted from the ground by its force. It was then that he heard a voice say, "Don't worry, we will not harm you." Images began to enter his mind.

Ed stated the images were revealed to him "as if they were turning the pages of a book" The next thing Walters remembered was waking up. The glowing UFO was nowhere to be seen.

Only a few days later, on November 17, Walters took his photographs and story to the local Gulf Breeze Sentinel newspaper. Ed discussed the photographs with the paper's Editor, and began to relate to him the details of the sighting.

At this time, for obvious reasons, Ed told the newspaper that he was given the photos and story by a Mr. X. Part of this initial account was as follows:

"Bang! Something hit me. All over my body, I tried to lift my arms, I couldn't move them. They were blue, I was blue, everything was blue. I was in a blue light beam. I was trying to breathe but my chest wouldn't expand. My feet lifted off the floor, a voice groaned in my head, "We will not harm you." I screamed, the voice said "Calm down." I screamed "Put me down!" No control, just a piercing smell, a little scent of ammonia mixed with heavy cinnamon that scorched, then stuck to, the back of my throat. A hum filled my head. Wham! I hit the ground, the blue light was gone. The hum was still in my head but quickly decreased and was gone."

Walters also gave the newspaper a letter from the Mr. X., but his anonymity would be short-lived. The UFO account would grow like a Texas wild fire, as Ed began to claim more visitations, and produce more and more graphic photographs of unusual flying objects over the vicinity of Gulf Breeze.

Ed's credibility came under fire, but all who knew him described him as a trustworthy, honest man. His wife Frances was his most loyal and unwavering partner.

On November 20, Ed could hear a hum and voices as if communications were being made between individuals, and he was on the outside hearing part of it. Going outside, his attention was drawn to a small dot of light which was falling from the sky. It pulled up, and began to hover. Ed took a photo of it. This contact hum seemed to indicate to Ed that there was a UFO near him.

Alien at Doored received another visit on December 2. Ed was awakened at about 3:30 am by the sound of his dog barking . He proceeded to his French doors and opened the blinds. He was looking at a creature about 4 foot in height with large black eyes.

Ed was overcome with fear and fell down from the shock. He asserts that the alien being stared at him for just a moment, and then began to walk away. He also said that:

"I gave chase. As my feet left the shelter of the back porch I was hit by the blue beam and held immobile while the creature fled into the vacant field at the back of my house. As soon as I could move I retrieived my camera and took a picture of the UFO shooting the blue beam into the field. I believe that it was picking up the creature I had seen."

In the early morning hours of December 5th, a UFO hovered above the trees near the high school not far from Ed's house. The UFO descended to hover just above the ground or land. Ed photographed the object and the landing spot. This particular incident would provide valuable support to Ed at a later date.

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