Ep 1 Behind the Curtain-Death by Protocol: Dayna Lays the Groundwork

1 year ago

In this Rumble exclusive series Dayna and TC (host and founder of the Minnesota Black Robe Regiment podcast) will be focusing on telling the every day every man stories of the COVID19 protocols that are killing your loved ones across the USA...

The first focus is going to be highlighting the Department of Veteran Affairs Hospitals and how they are not only profiting from tax-payers dollars (taxation is theft) but they are also making a killing by killing military veterans with the COVID19 protocols...

Yes many people are talking about these cases but overall the USA has moved on from the COVID story and have fallen back into comfort and ease while patients are still be murdered in the hospitals they are trusting to heal them...

Unlike some platforms and shows, MBRR is not interested in sensationalism or skewing stories to make for good click bait and salacious stories bent toward provoking a mere visceral reaction in you the viewer...

We want this to series to grab you by the emotions and the intellect and spark your logic and drive you to taking action towards true justice...

It does no one any good if you get worked up into an angry lather but sit on your ass in comfort lamenting "those poor souls, I wish someone could do something for them"...

We want you to talk to your friends and neighbors and family and co-workers. Find these accounts and find the people longing to be heard in their pursuit of justice. Send them to us so we can share their accounts and shine the light on the cruel and inhumane nature of the Medical Industrial Complex...

If you or someone you know has an account of such activities and they want to share it send them to us so we can get them on to tell the world what is happening...

Email the show at:

As always-
Sic Semper Tyrannis!

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