Blackmail, Coercion, Thinly Veiled Threats, are all the tactics the Illegal Binding Caucus House …

2 years ago

PFD, Energy Rebate Check, Billion to be Spent on Capital Improvement Projects, Nearly Triple the normal funding for K-12 Education.….. Biggest Pork Spending Budget Alaskans Have Seen in Decades. Nearly Triple the normal funding for K-12 Education.

Meanwhile In Alaska House of Representatives…

Blackmail, Coercion, Thinly Veiled Threats, are all the tactics the Illegal Binding Caucus House Majority are using to try & find Votes to Stop The Concurrence to the Senate's Budget....

Now they are even telling our Governor what to Veto to get their Votes & it’s not the illegal spending of $1.2 Billion for Forward Funding K-12.

Nope…. Not that…. Instead it the Energy Rebate Check that is the only Relief All Alaskans will get of that $4.5 Billion Tax Revenue Surplus, they have to Spend.

Will they Steal Our PFD's or Will the House Vote Yes to Concur with the Senates Budget?

Do you have your Popcorn Ready for the Clown Show on the House Floor?

Their Greed & Entitlement in Juneau is Astounding!

Alaskan Just Can’t Fathom It!

Hopefully every Alaskan was Calling every single Alaska House Representative & Keeping the pressure on them to Concur this Budget. Reports coming out of Juneau says that our Alaskan grassroots pressure we are applying, is having an positive affect.

The Unions, NEA, Rasmuson Foundation, Save Our State, Ship Creek Group & many, many others not listed here are telling them to not let Alaskans have our Lawfully Owed Fair Share. That only they deserve to get our PFD’s to spend.

Get your Popcorn Ready! The Clown Show in Alaska House, is About to Begin.....

The Vote to either Concur the Senates Budget or Reject it, Is About to Happen "Maybe", on the House Floor. This Vote today is for the State, General, Capital, Mental Health, Supplemental Budgets & Statutory PFD's!

40 Members of the House will be debating whether or not to Concur with the Senates Budget of $9 Billion Dollars or Not.

This budget, for the first time in Seven years, includes our Statutory PFD, being paid using the 4 Decade Old "Statutory PFD Law!". Will they Finally do the right thing & be "Lawmakers, Not Lawbreakers?" We'll soon find out.

What is in this budget?

$3800.00 - $4300.00 Statutory PFD has passed on the Senate Floor. An additional $1,300 Stimulus/Energy Rebate Check is also to be paid. Totaling they say, $5,500.00 to each and every eligible Alaskan.

The Radical Left in the House are telling our Governor they will Not Vote yes for this, Unless he removes the Energy Rebate Check.... But insist he leaves in the illegally Forward Funding for K-12.

The Proposed Budget was suppose to be only $4.5 -$4.8 Billion. Instead of Paying a Statutory PFD it was a 50/50 split & not paying us back one single penny of what they have stolen from us all over the last 6 years.

They need to do the Lawfully, Right Thing this year and Vote Yes to this Budget. Instead of handing over our PFD’s to the Special Interests of Alaska for the seventh year in a row..

They have a total of $17 Billion that they could have spent this year, sitting in the General Fund, SBR & in the CBR Accounts they have. Billions more when you include what is in Alaskans ERA Account.

The Supplemental Budget they created, that in the worst of times, has only reached $600 Million to cover things like, the year we had the Raging Forest Fires sweeping through our State & Earthquake that devastated a Huge Part of Our Great State of Alaska. Yet here they are, trying to spend $1.4 Billion on what...?

Now in most years they have only a $100 Million - $300 Million in supplemental items that needed more money to cover. Usually it is needed to pay for Healthcare that wasn't covered. Not this year.... They have flooded that money into Special Interests pockets in an attempt to spend every penny of that $4.5 Billion Surplus that they have this year in "Tax Revenue". Bonuses, Raises have been given to nearly every department in Alaska’s Government.

Another $1.2 Billion is being Illegally Spent to Forward Fund K-12, $299 Million to pay for Bond Debt & Another $60 Million one time Bonus is going to them also. All of that is on top of their regular funding of nearly $1.34 Billion.

$1.3B K-12 Base Student Allocation
$108M School Maintenance
$299M School Construction Bond Debt Reimbursement
$116 REAA (Rural Schools) Maintenance
$1.2 Billion Forward Funding

Grand total when adding in all the Nickle & Dimes not listed Above comes to: $3,489,710,000 Billion

University of Alaska receives a Raise of $15 Million to their Budget. Completely eliminating any cuts that have been made the last 3 years to their budget. Can’t forget all the Bonuses & Raises they are giving to every government agency that they fund with our taxes. Making it so the Budget will be unsustainable in the years to come to cove…

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