Power is Earned | Predestination

2 years ago

Any appeal to or blame placed upon secondary causes or external factors instantly empowers those secondary causes and external factors.

Any efforts to accumulate or compete for or redistribute the ability to enact your desires instantly denies that ability to you.

Any seeking or consideration of the knowledge or consent towards the realization of your goals immediately invalidates your own right to express your desires.

All power is derived from “I Am” and there are infinite ways to dilute and obfuscate and misappropriate this power.

We can approach the creation of our imaginations indirectly in endlessly variable ways.

But the power ultimately resides in “I Am.”

The degree to which a person realized his goals and desires is always measures by the degree in which he or she is relying on “I Am.”

Since every individuals’ “I Am” is identical and one with the “I Am” who is God, there is always complementary support for every “I Am,” either directly on the realized and aware individual or indirectly in those individuals who are circumlocutiously approach their won “I Ams” in support of the greater and more direct “I Am.”

This is not a physical world that contains a mental world; this is a mental world that contains a physical world.

We use our bodies to reflect changes in mind.

The physical world is the mental world that has been sustained over time or in great magnitude.

These physical structures are being supported by and in though, from and though our “I Ams” which is the “I Am.”

Our physical interaction may seem substantial, but it is easy when compared to the mental interaction that sustains it.

The true substance behind the physical interaction is our mental drama, and the patterns that we hold in our minds.

The physical world propagates as our mental patterns and dramas are propagated.

And any direct readjustment of the physical world is futile, without the initial readjustment of the mental worlds that are the soil in which our physical worlds blossom out of.

An environment, a neighborhood, a community, is a direct result of the men and women who create and sustain that environment in their minds.

And these mental environments are simultaneously complemented by the entire world in a perfectly interconnected puzzle.

At any moment in time from any position in space, through the use of any “I Am,” we can adjust our own piece of the puzzle and influence any other piece

Through a sustained personal readjustment of “I AM” directed at any spacetime components, the adjustment that is made locally and personally creates the adjustment globally and collectively.

The only knowledge or consent that matters is that of the “I Am,” which is identical to any and all “I Ams.”

Therefore, we always have access, power, ability and responsibility over the entire world.

And as our awareness and proximity to “I Am” grows, we can’t avoid influencing any thing in this world.

Fortunately, power is expressed perfect and justly, as every individual achieves the expression of his or her won “I Am” to the degree that he or she has removed the false gods that stand in the way.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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