18 Best Horror Books For The Holiday Season [Cultured Vultures]

1 year ago

18 Best Horror Books For The Holiday Season [Cultured Vultures]
It's not all snowflakes and tinsel.
The fire blazes bright, flames licking the chimney on bitter December nights. Holding a cup of warm liquid in hand, a peaceful ambiance settles into our hearts. The holiday season offers room for compassionate giving with a drop of guiltless self-indulgence. Horror fanatics love to indulge in spooky tales to raise goosebumps on their skin, even bundled in a comforting blanket. Luckily for thrill-seekers, terror can be experienced year-round through literature. Festive frights await for those who want to intermingle fear with the Christmas spirit. Enjoy the bleak winter and let it snow while sitting by the fireplace and reading one of these chilling horror books for the holiday season.


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