RT News - December 19th 2022 Late

1 year ago

Shelling of Donetsk city has continued targeting civilian only regions.

Barbaric attacks: Over a dozen missiles hit Donetsk city on Monday night, also damaging multiple other civilian buildings, including several apartment blocks, a shop and the gym of a local medical school, the Joint Centre on Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported. Kalininsky district of Donetsk's hospital suffered the third strike in two weeks as the city came under new rocket and artillery attacks from Ukrainian forces. Donetsk has been subjected to heavy artillery and missile attacks by Ukrainian forces on an almost daily basis since Russia launched its military operation in late February. Before this, the city endured low-intensity fighting and occasional shelling from the Ukrainian army since 2014, when the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics rejected the government in Kiev in the aftermath of the deadly Maidan coup. Last week, the city suffered the largest-scale Ukrainian artillery attack in eight years, according to local officials. Full casualty list unknown but at least two people have been killed and many wounded.

President Putin has met his Belorussian counterpart in Minsk, where they discussed defence and military cooperation, bilateral ties and energy.

FIFA rejected Pres. Zelensky's video

The EU has pushed through a price cap on Russian gas at a level much below that initially proposed despite discontent from at least nine members. Report from Rachel Marsden.

South Africa's president celebrates re-election as the head of the country's ruling party for a second term, despite months of corruption allegations.

In Peru police raid opposition party offices, after more than 20 people died in anti-government demonstrations. That's as western partners reaffirm support for the country's new, embattled president. Please catch up on previous posts on this channel or on RT website, if you can access it. RT.com.

Twitter: The FBI "grilled" safety executives on "state propaganda" (9)
Below: 1) -- US has put itself and Russia ‘on brink of direct clash’ – Moscow
2) --- Ukraine facing threat of FIFA suspension – official
3) -- Macron mocked after ‘embarrassing’ efforts to console World Cup star
4) -- Pres. Putin congratulates Argentina
5) --- Pres. Putin outlines priority in relations with key ally
6) --- UK court rules on moving migrants to Rwanda
7) --- Vatican defrocks priest after bizarre anti-abortion stunt
8) --- Canada set to seize Abramovich’s assets
9) --- Released files reveal how FBI grilled Twitter
10) --- January 6 committee recommends charges for Trump (stop press/breaking)

via RT website 19 Dec, 2022 17:01

1) -- US has put itself and Russia ‘on brink of direct clash’ – Moscow

The Biden administration is lying about maintaining contacts between the two countries, the Foreign Ministry says

Washington’s “dangerous and short-sighted policy” has put it “on the brink of a direct clash” with Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday, responding to US State Department spokesman Ned Price, who blamed Russia last week for making relations between the two countries “unstable and unpredictable.”

Moscow has “genuinely strived” to make relations with the US stable and predictable, even as Washington stokes tensions, Zakharova added.

“It is the US’ desire to maintain American hegemony at all costs… as well as its arrogant unwillingness to engage in a serious dialogue on security guarantees” that led to the current crisis, the spokeswoman said.

Russia is calling on the administration of US President Joe Biden to avoid further escalation, Zakharova said, adding that Moscow still wants to defuse tensions and is open to talking to the US at various levels.

However, the US is openly lying about maintaining contacts with Russia, Zakharova claimed. Last week, Price said that Secretary of State Antony Blinken still keeps in touch with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Zakharova called the statement a “banal lie,” adding that the last time the two diplomats spoke was July 29.

Amid the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Washington has provided massive amounts of financial and military aid to Kiev and has led the drive for sanctions on Moscow, which was also joined by US allies in the EU and elsewhere.

The conflict in Ukraine broke out after the US rejected Russia’s proposals for security guarantees in Europe, including a limit on NATO expansion to the east. Moscow repeatedly warned that Ukraine’s potential membership in the US-led military bloc would cross a red line and that arming Kiev would only prolong the conflict.

19 Dec, 2022 14:18

2) --- Ukraine facing threat of FIFA suspension – official

Football dignitary Oleg Protasov shared a letter from the world governing body amid a domestic dispute

The Ukrainian Association of Football (UAF) could have its FIFA and UEFA membership suspended if it does not resolve a row involving allegations of embezzlement and third-party influence, UAF vice-president Oleg Protasov has said.

Protasov shared a letter on his Facebook page on Monday which is addressed to him and signed by FIFA secretary general Fatma Samoura and UEFA counterpart Theodore Theodoridis. (The letter can be seen here https://twitter.com/ZoryaLondonsk/status/1604829065659269121 )

“We note with grave concern that UAF Executive Committee members are allegedly being pressured into signing requests to hold an extraordinary meeting of the UAF Executive Committee,” the letter reads.

“In this context, we would like to remind the UAF of its obligation… to manage its affairs independently and with no undue influence from third parties.

“Any violation of this obligation may lead to a suspension of UAF’s membership with FIFA and UEFA in line with art. 16 of the FIFA Statutes and art. 9 of the UEFA Statutes.

“Going forward, we sincerely hope that the situation can be resolved amicably.

The executive committee of the UAF is due to meet on December 20 to discuss the position of current president Andrey Pavelko.

Pavelko was arrested last month by Kiev’s Pechersk Court on claims of embezzlement in a case opened in 2021 and involving alleged misuse of funds.

Pavelko was released on bail of almost 10 million hryvnia (around $270,000), with the money reportedly paid by the UAF.

Ukrainian football icon Andrey Shevchenko has been nominated by a group of UAF officials as a potential replacement for the scandal-hit Pavelko.

Protasov, who made 68 appearances for the Soviet Union during his playing days, has claimed a “subversive group” is behind the efforts to oust Pavelko and install Shevchenko in his place.

Among other things, the row threatens to derail Ukraine’s joint bid to host the World Cup in 2030 alongside Spain and Portugal.

The angry Protasov described the affair as “dirty and humiliating” for Ukrainian football.

“The world football community cannot and will not close its eyes to the attempts to conduct illegal elections in the UAF,” he wrote in his Facebook message.

“Let’s respect the merits of football in Ukraine, not destroy its reputation.”

The dispute comes amid a row between Ukraine and FIFA over a request from President Vladimir Zelensky to share a video message ahead of Sunday’s World Cup final in Qatar.

FIFA reportedly rejected the plea, apparently keen to keep any such campaigns away from the football pitch, and leaving Ukrainian government officials “surprised by the negative response.”

19 Dec, 2022 15:17

3) -- Macron mocked after ‘embarrassing’ efforts to console World Cup star

Kylian Mbappe did not appear to be in the mood for words of comfort

Social media has had a field day at French President Emmanuel Macron’s expense after his efforts to comfort Kylian Mbappe at the World Cup final in Qatar did not appear to go down well.

Mbappe, 23, cut a dejected figure after France failed to secure back-to-back World Cup triumphs.

Despite Mbappe scoring a hat-trick, France were unable to retain the title they won in Russia in 2018, falling to Lionel Messi’s Argentina on penalties 4-2 after a thrilling game had ended 3-3 following extra time.

Macron was present at the Lusail Stadium to see the defeat, with the cameras regularly panning onto the leader to show his reactions as the goals flew in.

At full time, Macron made his way onto the pitch to console the team but appeared to be brushed off by Mbappe.

A further two somewhat awkward interactions followed on the podium when Mbappe received his Golden Boot award for scoring the most goals in the tournament and later his runners-up medal.

“I think Mbappe probably has grounds for a restraining order against Macron now,” tweeted a popular Sky News journalist.

“On the pitch after the loss, pulling him into his arms. Awarding him the Golden Boot, pulling him to his chest. Awarding his runners up medal, pulling him back to whisper in his ear. What more is there to say, buddy? Let the man go,” he added.

“Macron is utterly desperate for a reaction from Mbappe but in three major efforts, the striker gives him no eye contact, and no photo opportunity,” claimed a tweet from a Middle East commentator.

Get French Football News said that Mbappe appeared “a bit fed up of Emmanuel Macron's attempts to console him,” while others focused more on Mbappe by complimenting him for supposedly snubbing Macron.

A French journalist sharing a clip of the incident branded it “57 seconds of embarrassment” where a “badly elected, hated president, still tries a dirty and crude political recovery.”

“It's hard. Heavy. Almost unbearable. Mbappe is literally attacked by Macron. He doesn't talk to him, [and] doesn't give him ONE look.”

On French TV, France ‘98 winner Emmanuel Petit had a dig at Macron muscling his way into the picture by saying: “I thought he was a coach.”

Sharing a clip of himself giving a pep talk to the dejected France team in the locker room after their defeat on Twitter, Macron remarked on Mbappe to RMC Sport by calling him a “great player” who he “reminded” is still young.

“I told him he's only 24 and he was the World Cup top scorer. He's won a World Cup before, he's been to another final,” Macron added.

Meanwhile, the French leader has faced criticism from some in his homeland for attending the semifinal and final in Qatar – a country at the center of a corruption involving the EU Parliament.

French media outlets have claimed Macron jet-setting to Qatar and back for the two matches has cost taxpayers around €500,000 ($530,000).

19 Dec, 2022 11:27

4) -- Pres. Putin congratulates Argentina

The Russian leader commended the country’s World Cup success in Qatar

President Vladimir Putin congratulated Argentina on their World Cup success in a call with his counterpart from the South American country, Alberto Fernandez, the Kremlin said on Sunday.

Argentina claimed a third World Cup title in their history with a thrilling penalty shootout victory over defending champions France at the Lusail Stadium in Qatar, after the match ended 3-3 following extra time.

“Vladimir Putin has just had a telephone conversation with Argentine President [Alberto] Fernandez,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov noted that the Russian leader “warmly congratulated his colleague” on Argentina’s success, which was their first at the World Cup since 1986.

In response, Fernandez thanked Putin for the call in a social media message, writing: “May the joy that unites Argentina with so many people of the world serve as example: our societies need peace and unity.”

Fernandez had watched the final from home, rather than traveling to Qatar.

French counterpart Emmanuel Macron did make the trip but was left disappointed as the team were unable to defend the title they won in Russia four years ago.

Macron’s presence in Qatar has stirred controversy back in France, given that the Middle Eastern nation is at the center of a corruption scandal involving the EU Parliament.

Macron’s trips to Qatar, where he also watched the semifinal between France and Morocco, are said to have cost French taxpayers around €500,000 ($530,000), according to national media.

On Sunday, Macron was seen consoling star French forward Kylian Mbappe on the pitch after the final ended in disappointment.

Mbappe had dragged his team back into the game with a late double approaching the end of the 90 minutes, before completing his hat-trick in extra time – making him only the second ever player to a score a treble in a World Cup final.

But Argentine talisman Lionel Messi was on target twice during the game and, like Paris Saint-Germain teammate Mbappe, also scored in the shootout as Argentina prevailed 4-2 on penalties.

The victory for Argentina trigged wild celebrations among their large contingent of fans in Qatar, as well as back in South America as thousands flocked to the streets.

Russian leader Putin had been on hand at the World Cup final four years ago at Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium, where France enjoyed happier times in a 4-2 win against Croatia.

Argentina wins World Cup!! Lionel Messi’s dreams of glory became a reality in Qatar Lionel Messi captained Argentina to World Cup glory on a night of high drama as his team overcame defending champions France on penalties after a thrilling game ended 3-3 at the Lusail Stadium in Qatar.

Argentina roared out of the blocks to take a two-goal lead in the first half thanks to a penalty from Messi and a strike from Angel Di Maria.

But two late goals from French forward Kylian Mbappe sent the game to extra time, where both Messi and Mbappe scored again.

And in the ensuing penalty shootout, it was Gonzalo Montiel who fired home the winning spot kick to secure Argentina’s first World Cup since 1986 and their third title in total.

It was agony for Didier Deschamps’ French team, who had been bidding to become the first nation since Brazil in 1962 to retain the trophy.

Early on at the Lusail Stadium, it didn’t appear that penalties would even be a remotely realistic possibility.

Hit by a virus in the build-up to the game, the French team were unusually lackluster in the opening half, failing to register a single shot (or even a touch in the Argentine penalty box) in the opening 45 minutes.

They were punished for their slow start by falling behind to Messi’s penalty in the 23rd minute after Ousmane Dembele was adjudged, perhaps softly, to have brought Di Maria down inside the box.

Argentina’s second was a goal very much befitting the occasion when Di Maria finished off a sublime move to fire past French skipper Hugo Lloris to put his side in the driving seat to deliver their first World Cup win in 36 years.

France, though, refused to throw in the towel and Mbappe’s late intervention dragged the thrilling spectacle to extra time after he struck twice in the space of two minutes – the first from the penalty spot in the 80th minute and the second a sensational volley soon afterwards.

19 Dec, 2022 17:03

5) --- Pres. Putin outlines priority in relations with key ally

The Russian president spoke ahead of talks with his Belarusian counterpart

The primary focus of Russia-Belarus ties is the economy, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday, adding that the allies are ready for further cooperation in various sectors.

Speaking at a press conference ahead of talks with his Belarusian counterpart, President Aleksandr Lukashenko, Putin said that Moscow is ready to further develop nuclear enterprises in Belarus, as well as scientific projects and personnel training.

“Belarus is not only a good neighbor, but also an ally in the truest sense of the word, so all economic issues are resolved on this basis,” he said.

Putin expects trade turnover between the neighboring states to hit an all-time high of $40 billion in 2022. The Russian president added that bilateral trade soared by a third in 2021, and amounted to $38.5 billion, while in the first ten months of the current year the figure rose by another 10%.

Putin added that the two nations are planning to cooperate in the space and military technology sectors.

“This is not only mutual shipments, but joint work, engineering research and cooperation in this area, including the development of high-tech industries,” he said.

The two leaders are expected to discuss the issues of security, economic cooperation, measures to respond to emerging challenges and the most pressing challenges of integration between Moscow and Minsk.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has previously said that the talks would also touch on energy issues. According to Lukashenko, the two countries have fallen behind on their plans to create a single gas market.

19 Dec, 2022 17:08

6) --- UK court rules on moving migrants to Rwanda

A positive verdict was handed down in eight individual cases, but challenges to the policy as a whole were dismissed

The UK’s plan to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda is “lawful,” the British high court ruled on Monday, dismissing a challenge to the policy from a handful of asylum seekers, several migrants’-rights NGOs, and a border officials’ union.

However, two judges declared the government had failed to take into account the individual circumstances of eight asylum-seekers it had tried to deport on the scheme’s aborted first flight in June.

“It is lawful for the government to make arrangements for relocating asylum seekers to Rwanda and for their asylum claims to be determined in Rwanda rather than in the United Kingdom,” Lord Justice Lewis said in the court’s decision, qualifying that the government must also weigh whether “anything about each person’s particular circumstances” might preclude relocation to the central African nation.

Under the terms of the agreement, Rwanda would process the asylum claims of individuals illegally arriving in the UK and host those whose applications are approved. Home Secretary Suella Braverman explained the policy was meant to discourage migrants from making the dangerous crossing, adding the government ultimately hopes to make similar deals with other countries to reroute all illegal immigrants elsewhere.

She has called the 40,000-plus migrants crossing the English Channel this year an “invasion” and vowed to ban anyone who “jumps the queue” in this way from remaining in the UK.

The UK and Rwanda inked the £140 million migration deal in April, though the first scheduled deportation flight carrying eight migrants was postponed as the plane waited to take off in June, with the European Court for Human Rights insisting the policy involved “a real risk of irreversible harm.”

The groups who challenged the policy are expected to appeal Monday’s decision. “Treating people who are in search of safety like human cargo and shipping them off to another country is a cruel policy that will cause great human suffering,” Ever Solomon, head of the Refugee Council, said in a statement on Monday. Opponents of the policy have cited Rwanda’s poor human rights record, including the infamous 1994 genocide that saw 800,000 people slaughtered.

19 Dec, 2022 17:19

7) --- Vatican defrocks priest after bizarre anti-abortion stunt

Father Frank Pavone laid a lifeless fetus on an altar in an act of protest

The Catholic Church has defrocked a Texas priest after a “blasphemous” anti-abortion protest in which he placed an aborted fetus on an altar, the Associated Press reported on Sunday. Father Frank Pavone’s removal from the priesthood also came after decades of controversy and “persistent disobedience” of church authorities.

Pavone was booted from the church last month with no chance of appeal, the news agency reported, citing a letter to American bishops from the Vatican’s ambassador to the US, Christophe Pierre. The letter stated that Pavone had been given “ample opportunity to defend himself,” but was ultimately found guilty of "blasphemous communications on social media and of persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop."

Pavone is the national director of Priests for Life, an anti-abortion organization that is not overseen by the Vatican. While Pierre’s letter did not specify which “blasphemous communications” cost him his vocation, he gained infamy in 2016 for filming a video at the group’s headquarters in which he urged Catholics to vote for then-candidate Donald Trump, before placing an aborted fetus upon what appeared to be an altar.

Amarillo Bishop Patrick Zurek, who was Pavone’s superior at the time, immediately opened an investigation into the incident, describing it as “a desecration of the altar.” While the Vatican considers abortion a “moral evil,” Zurek said that Pavone’s “action and presentation” in the video was not consistent with Catholic beliefs.

Previously, Pavone was temporarily suspended from the diocese of Amarillo by Zurek in 2011 over allegations of financial mismanagement at Priests for Life. He was also condemned by the diocese in 2020 for posting an expletive-laden tirade against Joe Biden on social media.

Pavone supported Republican candidates in every US election since the early 2000s and advised Trump’s re-election campaign in 2020. He remains a committed supporter of the former president, appearing in a red ‘Make America Great Again’ hat in his profile picture on Twitter.

“So, in every profession, including the priesthood, if you defend the unborn, you will be treated like them,” Pavone wrote on Twitter on Sunday. “The only difference is that when we are ‘aborted,’ we continue to speak, loud and clear.”

Pierre’s letter concluded that Pavone may continue to speak out against abortion through Priests for Life, as long as he does so as a “lay person.”

19 Dec, 2022 17:52

8) --- Canada set to seize Abramovich’s assets

Ottawa will be the first among G7 countries to use a law that allows sanctioned assets to be forfeited by a court order

Canada intends to arrest and confiscate $26 million from the sanctioned company Granite Capital Holdings owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, the Canadian Foreign Ministry announced on Monday.

Canada, along with the EU and the UK, imposed sanctions on Abramovich shortly after the conflict in Ukraine began in late February.

It is the first time Ottawa will be using its new legislation – the Special Economic Measures Regulations – which allows the country’s government to confiscate the sanctioned assets of blacklisted individuals by a court order.

According to the official statement published on the government’s website, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly will now consider making a court application to seize Abramovich’s assets and hand them over “permanently to the Crown.”

If forfeited, the property of the Russian billionaire and former owner of the English football club Chelsea will be used to help reconstruct Ukraine and compensate “victims of the war,” the announcement said.

Canada would also become the first among the G7 countries to implement this measure.

The law allowing for this forfeiture was passed in June. In October, Canadian authorities announced an allocation of C$76 million ($55.6 million) to fund a new unit in Joly’s ministry dedicated to sanctions enforcement and additional support for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Abramovich attended peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul in late March and later in April visited Kiev in a bid to restart the stalled talks.

19 Dec, 2022 08:30

9) --- Released files reveal how FBI grilled Twitter

The company’s former safety chief Yoel Roth was “perplexed” by the agency’s lobbying, the documents show

Twitter’s former safety chief has said he was baffled when the FBI grilled the company over assessed foreign influence threats on the platform, the latest trove of documents released by journalist Matt Taibbi and Twitter owner Elon Musk shows.

According to excerpts from internal communications that were published on Sunday, FBI agent Elvis Chan told Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, in July 2020 to expect written questions from the Foreign Influence Task Force, adding that the intelligence community sought “clarifications” from the company.

The FBI then sent a list of detailed questions, asking Twitter to explain why, during an earlier briefing for US security and intelligence agencies, “you indicated you had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors on your platform.” At the end of their letter, the FBI attached references to several news articles about Russian and Chinese “propaganda” campaigns on social media.

Roth shared the questionnaire with other Twitter executives, saying that he was “frankly perplexed by the requests here, which seem more like something we'd get from a congressional committee than the Bureau,” according to screenshots published by Taibbi.

The former safety head added that he felt “not particularly comfortable” with the FBI demanding written answers on the matter. According to the released files, Roth wrote that the premise of the questions “seems flawed,” arguing that the intelligence community had “fundamentally misunderstood” Twitter’s position on disinformation.

“We’ve been clear that official state propaganda is definitely a thing on Twitter,” Roth wrote, suggesting he contact Chan over the phone as soon as possible.

The exchange took place when US officials, think tanks and media outlets were warning about alleged foreign meddling in the ongoing US presidential election campaign and disinformation related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Musk, who finalized his acquisition of Twitter in October, promised more transparency at the company, and fired some of its top executives.

The files previously released by Taibbi with Musk’s blessing revealed how Twitter staffers struggled to rationalize the permanent ban of former US President Donald Trump, and the blocking of a story about the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son.

19 Dec, 2022 19:28

10) --- January 6 committee recommends charges for Trump (stop press)

The Democrat-led panel has urged the Justice Department to prosecute the ex-president for “insurrection”

The Democrat-led January 6 committee agreed on Monday to make criminal referrals against former President Donald Trump. The panel recommended that Trump be charged with defrauding the US, making false statements, obstruction, and inciting an “insurrection” on Capitol Hill last January.

The committee, made up of seven Democratic members of Congress and two Republican opponents of the former president, voted unanimously to adopt a report recommending the charges.

The report is the culmination of 18 months of investigation by the panel, which was convened to investigate Trump’s alleged role in inciting the riot by his supporters that interrupted the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory last year. Trump has accused the committee of orchestrating a “witch hunt” against him, calling its members “partisan hacks.”

Referring to the “insurrection” charge, Rep. Jamie Raskin said before the vote that the committee believes “that more than sufficient evidence exists for a criminal referral” of Trump for “assisting or aiding and comforting those at the Capitol who engaged in a violent attack on the United States.”

“The Committee has developed significant evidence that President Trump intended to disrupt the peaceful transition of power,” Raskin continued.

Shortly before the riot, Trump urged his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically” at the Capitol. The riot that followed led to the deaths of five people, but only one of these deaths has been conclusively linked to the actions of another person: that of Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter who was shot by a police officer.

It is now up to the Justice Department to decide whether to prosecute Trump. The former president said in September that he “can’t imagine” being indicted, but added that charges wouldn’t prevent him from seeking a return to office in 2024. Trump announced his candidacy in November.

In a tweet after the committee’s vote, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of the panel’s two Republicans, linked the criminal referral to Trump’s political future. “We now turn to the criminal justice system to ensure Justice under the law,” he wrote. “The American people can ensure he’s never elected again.”

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