Here is a COMPLETE CURRICULUM for training new shooters

1 year ago

Firearms Instructors: Do you train beginners, or want to?

Here is a COMPLETE CURRICULUM for training new shooters.

New Shooter 101 is a place for experienced defensive handgun shooters who want to help beginners learn to shoot.

New Shooter 101 is a new and unique video training curriculum for beginning shooters.


YouTube is full of advanced training firearms videos. Drawing from cover in 1.5 seconds. Engaging multiple threats. But what about beginners that just want to learn to shoot? They need to start somewhere. New Shooter 101 provides the curriculum they are looking for.

New Shooter 101 is three things: First, it is a video based training curriculum for teaching beginners how to shoot. Second, it is a website that guides firearms instructors through the curriculum. And finally, it is a YouTube channel that is a repository for all of the training videos. This combination provides a framework for experienced defensive handgun shooters who want to help beginners learn to shoot.

Curriculum: The New Shooter 101 video based curriculum consists of two series of videos. The first series is for beginners, including those who have never held a handgun before. This is followed by the defensive shooter series that moves beginners up to intermediate level shooters. It also includes lesson plans for use in the classroom, at the range, and at home.

Website: The New Shooter 101 website presents the entire New shooter 101 curriculum. It also includes numerous videos that illustrate how to put this curriculum to practical use in both live fire and dry fire training events.

YouTube Channel: The New Shooter 101 YouTube channel is the repository for all of the videos, in three different categories. The first category includes the instructional videos. The next category consists of dry fire and live fire events where this training is put to practical use. Finally, there are conversations among firearms instructors where they are discussing specific techniques for training beginners.

History: The New Shooter 101 curriculum has been developed over the past ten years by Armed Defense Training Association, a nonprofit gun club located near Seattle WA. ADTA has used the curriculum to teach hundreds of beginners how to shoot.

Motivation: As firearms instructors, we believe we have a civic responsibility to do our part to support the Second Amendment at a grassroots level. Our country is in a state of turmoil. In the big picture there is not much we can do as individuals to change this. However there is one big exception. And that is to help train as many beginning shooters as possible.

Availability: New Shooter 101 is available now. The videos can be viewed on both the website and YouTube channel. Lesson plans for use in the classroom, at the range, and at home are available for downloading on the website.

Are you a firearms instructor, or want to become one? Do you want to train beginners? Welcome to New Shooter 101. This is a place for experienced defensive handgun shooters who want to help beginners learn to shoot.

Find out what we have to offer firearms instructors who want to train beginners. Visit our website to learn more: We have videos and lesson plans for training beginners through intermediate-level shooters. And by listing your classes with us you'll reach new audiences who find you online.

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