PT Party activists protest, A general has a positive message, and a treat at the end!

1 year ago

After two days of heavy rain which has caused localized flooding and even some landslides in the region, I'm back at the protest again on this Tuesday evening in Joinville, Santa Catarina state in southern Brazil for another update and a treat at the end of the video.

I start by commenting on a live flag change performed on the lawn of President Bolsonaro's official residence, the Palácio do Alvorada this afternoon and compare it to a protest by PT Party activists in the last 24hrs where they entered supermarkets mostly in the country's Northeast but also in Santa Catarina's capital, Florianopolis and attempted to steal products while the entire time blaming Bolso for the poverty in the country. Watch as I explain the reality of these (most probably paid) activists and where they probably in fact come from.

I then report on a video shared by a Gabber which shows General Girão, a Bolso ally giving a very positive message to protesters for the festive season.

And lastly, and as a real treat, watch as I interview local protest organiser Karin as she explains (in Portuguese, and badly interpreted by yours truly lol) the current situation here and how the Turtle has become a tyrant and is imprisoning innocent people far outside the law and with apparent impunity.

I will attempt to translate the full interview as soon as I can and will make it available to everyone to watch. Stay tuned for more details.

If you enjoy this content, please consider subscribing here to my channel on Rumble at MickyD2, and following me on Gab at @MickyD2 on the Far Queue profile name.

*And now also on Telegram at the channel MickyD2.


Carin interview.

Me: Our audience is growing a lot here on this platform Rumble, and they would like to know how everybody is feeling here after 49 days of protests without stopping.
Carin: We are very hopeful that President Bolsonaro will intervene by ordering intervention from the Armed Forces.
Me in English first and then: Keep going Carin
Carin: We are suffering a coup; we have suffered a coup by the STF (Federal Supreme Court). One Justice alone has dissolved Congress and the Senate.
Me in English and then: Keep going
Carin: The Turtle (Alexandre de Moraes) has dissolved Congress and the Senate because he alone is making all the decisions and is ignoring what 513 congressmen and women and 81 Senators have decided. He has torn up the Constitution, the entity (STF) responsible for interpreting the Constitution; he has effectively torn up the Constitution and now in Brazil there is no more law. Now any one of us can be considered a criminal according to the Turtle.
Me in English and then: You can continue:
Carin: What is happening is he is imprisoning journalists, businesspeople, freezing their bank accounts, silencing the people, the most popular congressmen and women who received 2 and 3 million votes who really represent the Brazilian people have been canceled, they have been silenced. The internet is like a public square; they are not allowed to silence our representatives. But we are here without representation, the Turtle has silenced Senators, Journalists, businesspeople. He chooses the victim and imposes crimes upon them which they in reality have not committed, saying they are anti-democratic. But it is the Turtle who is anti-democratic because he as one person alone is telling 211 million Brazilians what they can and cannot do.
Me in English
Carin: So, what has happened is that we have suffered a coup here, the Turtle has torn up the Constitution in the way that he conducted the election, the way he led and guided all the processes for the election, the way he established all the rules regarding the hiring of all the people to look after the voting systems and to care for everything pertaining to the counting of the votes that gave us the final results. The elections were fraudulent. What has happened is that we are under attack for our democracy, for our citizenship; we are now under a Judicial Dictatorship. We no longer have rights, we no longer have justice, we no longer have anything. Only our Armed Forces can save Brazil from communism. They want to install communism which has already been the Squid’s (Lula) plan for a long time. He has been trying to install communism in Brazil for four decades already. In the Foro de São Paulo (São Paulo Forum) in 1990, together with Fidel Castro, the Squid made the plans for communism. He wanted it in the entire Latin American region. With all the fraudulent elections throughout Latin America, they have almost taken the entire continent. Brazil is the only country that has not yet fallen. So they have now stolen the election here and we cannot accept it. We want the source code to prove that the elections were fraudulent. The Turtle has not handed over the source code and has obstructed any oversight and by law must hand it over (the source code). We will not allow the Squid to take power in this way. The people will not allow it because did not win, it was all driven by the Turtle, a dictator who is behaving tyrannically against the Brazilian people. He is abusing the Brazilian people.
Me in English
Me telling Carin: I call Lula the Squid because in English it translates to squid. A fish haha
Carin: A Clam haha
Me: Exactly
Me in English and then: Would you like to finish with a last comment?
Carin: I know that we are our hope, and we hope that the Armed Forces help us and that President Bolsonaro triggers the Armed Forces to protect us, to protect the Brazilian people from this tyranny that we are currently exposed to. We have many businesspeople currently imprisoned, journalists exiled, businesspeople with their bank accounts frozen, everyday people silenced, congressmen and women threatened, President Bolsonaro’s Party being threatened with extinction. They have accused us from the beginning of conducted a coup. But it was them who conducted a coup by dissolving Congress and the Senate through the actions of one Supreme Court Justice alone with the Squid and are deciding everything here in Brazil. We do not want this. It is tyranny and we will not accept it; the Brazilian people will not accept it.
Me: That’s the way Carin. Thank you so much for the interview. I’ll translate it all and put the transcript in the description box below the video. There was too much to translate here.
Thank you so much
Carin: Thank you too.
Me: It was really nice!
Carin: Spread the word around the world about the coup that the Supreme Court is conducting, no, that they have already conducted
Me in English and then: There are many people abroad her are extremely interested in what is happening here at the moment. The world knows that Brazil is very important in this game of chess around the world. Brazil is extremely important because if it falls,
Carin: The Americas fall. Yes, and even the entire Western civilization
Me: Yes Brazil was really stolen. Thanks everyone, I’ll go translating and interpreting what Carin said to finish this video… time to speak English lol
Me: Thank you so much Carin, cheers!
Me in English…

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