Dec 22, 2022 ❤️ Christmas or the Spirit of the World, it is your Choice... Jesus Christ explains

1 year ago

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Christmas or the Spirit of the World… It is your Choice!

December 22, 2022 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Beloved Heartdwellers, this is the time of year when our love and our devotion for the Lord is really tested by the world, its agenda, and the way that Satan has twisted the Christmas season into a holiday of outrageous spending. People work all year so they can spend all their money at Christmas time, and party up.

And I have still a weakness in the area of avarice too, for I love beautiful things. So, this week I have been feeling a little distant from the Lord, like I am not really in love with Jesus, kind of cold, kind of empty, and I pulled a card that just shattered me the other day. It said… “You say you are Mine, but your heart is far from Me.” This was the Lord’s gentle correction. So, I have been fighting this nasty streak of avarice, wanting this and wanting that and ‘window shopping’, for no real reason at all, just really stupid time wasting, and the Lord finally addressed it.

I asked the Lord where I was at in my heart, if I loved Him or if my heart was far from Him. My first reading of the Bible Promises was ‘Money’, my second reading was ‘Be led by My Spirit, not by your flesh’, and my last reading was about ‘Hospitality’. So, obviously He is saying… “I want you to give money away, I want you to take care of other people.” You know, with whatever we have left over, we need to take care of those people who do not have food for Christmas or whatever else.

So, I was pondering how very backslidden I was, and last night, entertaining myself on Etsy, I was looking at pretty things while I ate dinner. I mean, I am so weak, I really enjoyed looking through the pages on Etsy because they have some really beautifully crafted things, but where was my heart? I asked myself… ‘Is my heart far from God?’ And I had to say… ‘Yes, it is’. I would rather do that than press into the Lord in prayer right now, and I am very depressed about myself and my curiosities.

So, I was thinking that I deserve to be left behind. Then I became fearful… truly how far have I fallen, Lord? Am I blind to how far I have fallen? It must be very far, am I losing my soul? Then I was inspired to pull a Rhema card, because I was beginning to lose hope about myself and the condition of my soul. And it said… ‘Be at Peace, let nothing disturb, frighten or upset you.’ And then the Lord began to speak, but before He did, I said: Thank You, Lord. It is true, the only thing in this world I am really afraid of is myself… myself and all my selfish impulses. I saw Jesus to my right, He said…

(Jesus) “I am listening, Beloved one.”

(Clare) Oh Lord, how could You continue to love such a shallow person?

(Jesus) “You are weak, that I will give you. You also have exquisite taste and a deep appreciation for beauty. That, coupled with the internet, is a recipe for disaster. You see, the people of Earth are being tried way above their parent’s previous limits. What was unthinkable in their parents’ days is now at your fingertips, only a touch away. You see, Clare, when you look at beautiful things, you are window shopping, and that feeds lust and a drive to acquire things. You must starve the beast in every conceivable way. Instead of responding to the infomercials, shun them like dog excrement. You keep opening doors that should be locked behind you, My love. I have not drawn away; you have been preoccupied. What shall we do about this?”

(Clare) Then He answered His own question…

(Jesus) “Shun every occasion of sin, My love, shun it and walk away. Come to Me immediately and repent for having given into such things, for having given such things a place in your heart, where only I should dwell. Note also that this is the time of year curses are sent out to draw people away from Me and into shopping, buying, eating, drinking, celebrating in extravagance. If only they would celebrate My birth. If only they would shun the malls and spend more time with Me. If only their heart was not far from Me, I would lavish choice graces upon them.”

(Clare) Lord, this is what I want… eyes only for You. Please help me acquire that. I feel so distant from devotion to You, and I do not even know where to begin.

(Jesus) “I totally understand this and am here to help you, as well as the thousands more around the world who are in a similar dilemma. That is why I am giving you this message. There is a force pulling you towards avarice, so you must deny it and walk away from every temptation, with great resolution, rejecting the invitation. I acknowledge that you cannot do this alone. I am here to help you, Clare.”

(Clare) That is our Jesus, He is so sweet.

(Jesus) “I am wrapping you in a garment of self-control, with new armor over your chest that will repel the arrows of lust for the things of the world. Remember this flat, steely gray breastplate over your red breastplate, every day. You must really take the time to visualize each piece of armor, which you have not been doing.”

(Clare) So, when He said He had new armor for me, I saw a kind of flat, steely gray breastplate with scales on it, so there were many layers of protection over the chest.

(Jesus) “Then repeat this short prayer… ‘I renounce the lusts of the flesh, the world and all that is in it. I desire only You, Jesus, please remove them from my sight.’ And do not be ashamed to come to Me if you have fallen, waste no time My precious, come, come into My tender waiting arms, for I know your heart, and truly, it is not for these things, but for Me. This is why I have stationed Myself beside you always, to help you renounce those things that are not profitable for your soul. Come now, let us walk together. Place your precious hand in Mine and let us go past these temptations and win a new level of commitment, a new level of walking in those things that really matter and rejecting all else that is unprofitable to your soul.”

(Clare) Heartdwellers, this is no time for us to backslide with food or the glamour of the world. Our world is on the brink of war, and this should be our focus in prayer, as well as tending to the needs of the very poor, who may not even have food during this season.

(Jesus) “With tenderness I welcome you back into My arms, My Bride, forever.”

(Clare) God bless you, Heartdwellers, and keep your heart only for Him and for His Nativity this Christmas… Amen.

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