Why did you cheat on your partner?

1 year ago

Why did you cheat on your partner?
Cus I'm a flocking idiot
I was drinking and doing a lot of coke... it honestly turned me into a careless piece of shit for a long time!
Because I wasn't over my ex and when she came knocking I didn't value my new relationship enough and crossed a line I never will lower myself to cross again.. you feel like shit for years after it, really not worth it no matter how you try to justify it to yourself at the time..
Drunk and being hit on by a bendy yoga teacher. Got caught in the same day. It was a shitshow.
Buzz feed shopping for articles. “Top 10 reasons redditors say they cheated”
My first boyfriend in college was very controlling over my weight. He had a fat fetish and would track my weight to make sure I was gaining enough for him. I guess one night when I was with a friend I just sort of…cheated. It felt nice to not have someone call me a fat b*tch the whole time we had sex so I broke up with him the next day. Never told him I cheated.
Thanks for asking this question! Almost everyone felt like shit after cheating! Now I am feeling like shit by the thought of cheating my wife! Saved myself of a lot of headache and shitty feeling
I honestly dont know what got into to me that evening. All my emotion regulations were gone; heavy drinking, smoking (while having a lung desease and normall I dont) and had a sudden urge to hit on someone else. Regretted it alot (it was only 2 seconds of kissing). Felt most guilty about the wanting to bang part.
I broke up with her. She disagreed. I had to block her because she got so abusive. Started dating this other girl and my ex found out and told everyone I cheated. New gf almost took her side.
Because I needed to get away from an abusive relationship and this was the only “out” I could see. The whole situation runs much deeper obviously, but this is the Reddit edition. Worst period of my life.
Its really weird reading how people on reddit will treat those who have cheated like the deserve to be hung, and then read this thread and everyone be like "ya man understandable"
She was beating me bad at gin and when she left her cards on table to go use bathroom I took a look at them. I won the hand and she accused me of cheating but she didn't have any proof
Being a selfish whore. Also deep rooted insecurity. Never had a substance abuse problem. Just like to have sex with people I don't know too well
Because I wanted to have sex with someone else. Nothing more to it. Not for revenge or disliking my partner. Just simply had the opportunity to flock someone else and different sexual experience.
Damn manic episodes before I got the help I needed.
Sex was no good, but liked her as a life partner. Ended up leaving her. Knew it was going to happen more and she didn't deserve that.
Because it served my ego
Catch-all answer: Insecurity, cowardice and lack of respect.
Because I’m a piece of shit. I watched my father cheat on my mother when I was a child. It tore me apart. I told myself I would NEVER do that. I lost the girl of my dreams by cheating on her. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I haven’t been the same since I did that.
Nobody cheats because they got drunk once. Alcohol isn’t a a magical aphrodisiac. I’m not gonna go after anyone in this thread cause the question was asked honestly, but i see a lot of people still making excuses for themselves. Being an alcoholic is one thing, being drunk and hooking up with your gym crush is another. And neither are the alcohol’s fault.
Wanted to comment here and say that while I’ve never cheated on any partner, I have to give credit to everyone here sharing their stories, and taking the steps to acknowledge what they did wrong. It’s very admirable and shows a lot of growth
I wanted to be touched and he hadn’t touched me in ten years.
As the person in the relationship who was cheated on, I always regret opening these threads. It brings back the depression and horrible feelings I had when I found out she was cheating. Her actions led to our divorce and has made both of our lives and our children’s lives much more difficult than they ever should have been.
I see nuance is still live and well on Reddit.
Man, all the stories in this thread are so goddamn sad.
I only cheated on one partner in my life. Still to this day I Cannot explain why I did it. I was in a perfectly happy relationship with a very sweet girl and I flocked her over. We wouldn't have stayed together anyways, but I still feel bad for making her question her sanity for a year.
She made me feel like I was the worst man on Earth. I was at a party while we argued over something petty over texts. One thing lead to another, I proved that feeling right.

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