Eileen Day McKusick | Tuning The Human Biofield, The Electric Universe, Biomimicry Business Models

1 year ago

“Disease is the last resort of suppressed emotion to have attention.” -Eileen Day McKusick
Eileen Day McKusick is a researcher, inventor, writer, educator, and practitioner who has been studying the effects of audible acoustic sound on the human body since 1996.

She is the originator of a unique sound therapy method called Biofield Tuning that uses tuning forks to detect and correct distortions and static in the human biofield (human energy field/aura). She is the author of Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy. We will be talking about work from her new book: Electric Body, Electric Health

I wanted to experience a Biofield Tuning for my self, so before the interview, I had a session with Eileen’s chief international trainer – Jessica Luibrand – and it healed my left hip which, has been popping for years. The amazing thing was that the session was done completely remotely! In this interview Eileen explains her hypothesis for why this works

Eileen is a natural skeptic, so she she spent year refining how she talks about the biofield and the electric universe in a way that beings it out of the woo woo and into the concrete

In this episode Eileen reveals new information that she has never shared publicly – that our electric body and our soul are one and the same!

What you’ll learn in this episode:
How Eileen discovered the human Biofield
What is the human biofield and how can we tune it for optimal health
How does biofield tuning work remotely?
What is the electric universe hypothesis and how does it explain dark matter
What it takes to create an entire new field of science
What are biophotons and how they relate to health
How breath and emotion impact our health
How blood and light spiral through our body
The electric nature of the soul
“At the root of every disease is emotional mismanagement”- Eileen Day McKusick
“I’d like to create a living 3D honey bee project-based business structure instead of this stupid frozen pyramid.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“As a cosmological storyteller, I’m constantly widening the lense to absorb and process information.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“My obsession with efficiency has enabled me to cover a lot of ground in a lot of different ways.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“My job is to explore and understand the biofield. I’m willing to challenge any idea.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“Almost everybody I know has their own playlist that they use to soothe or shift their mood.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“440hz in water is kind of fuzzy and 442hz is much more coherent and clear.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“All of life is electrical; the earth is electrical. Your soul is your electric body” -Eileen Day McKusick
“The biofield has a boundary like a bubble.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“We can access the electrical system through a magnetic field; magnetic fields guide electric currents.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“A body that is relaxed and breathing is going to take care of itself. Everything happening in the body is happening through light-transmission and information.” -Eileen Day McKusick
“Disease is the last resort of suppressed emotion to have attention.” -Eileen Day McKusick

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