Government blame winter pressure, Corona pandemic , flue virus for unfolding NHS Crisis

1 year ago

Dear All 


Government is blaming NHS system failure to Covid pandemics, lockdown, Flue virus, streptococcus infection, GPs ,nurses, ambulance crew , paramedics etc 

Government blaming NHS system failure to Covid pandemics, lockdown, Flue virus rather than accepting its wrong decisions and mismanagement ... via @YouTube

They should rather have courage in accepting its wrong decisions and mismanagement with lockdown and serious restrictions on public ... via @YouTube

In early 2020 I warned them and predicted piling up of the waiting list soon after unprecedented complete lockdown imposed on the country and closure of the hospitals doors for all the patients on 23/3/2020 after the wrong step taken by the government on the illogical closure of hospitals on recommendation of the learned SAGE group in U.K. which was totally wrong, unsolicited and illogical . 
I had these concerns for the public related to holding an opinion of Covid pandemic and voicing for the public at the time of desperation , darkness and wilderness but I was targeted by my Trust ( North Manchester Hospital Trust) and dismissed on 22/4/2020 without any clinical or ethical issues. 

This was followed by Suspension Order by the GMC on 01/06/2020 for 12 months which was further extended for another 18 months which was totally unfair, discriminatory and racially motivated. Unfortunately I am still suspended for standing with the public and holding an opinion of Covid pandemic only and spoke logic to safeguard humanity. 

In March 2020 waiting list of patients were only 4 million but now it’s gone over 10 million however NHS is falsely claiming it to be 7.6 millions . 

It has been a serious mismanagement of the government with poor planning . I have seen the horror of Patients waiting in the A/E for 12-24 hours , long queues, patients lying on the cold floor of the hospital corridors on the wheel chairs, A/ E waiting rooms . it’s impossible to see GP face to face and waiting time to see a specialist is 12 - 24 months .

Public is Sick 

The public are desperately sick, unwell ,tired and  living in uncertainty , darkness & wilderness . Patients have been ignored and neglected especially cancer patients , millions of cancers and other serious patients have already died in the last 3 years , hundreds of thousands of elderly people diedin nursing and care homes due to isolation, neglect, depression, dehydration and lack of the medical facilities . 

Thousands of patients died in their own homes due to depression, cancers , heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolism , dementia , Alzheimer’s disease due to unavailability of the medical treatment.
Patients who are luckily still alive are at risks of dying due to overwhelming waiting time in NHS , lack of timely medical treatment , 65 % patients have gone to the private sectors for their treatment as NHS failed to provide them medical services they required. 

Government can not blame winter pressure, Corona pandemic & Flue Virus for the unfolding crisis of the NHS . 

Government must accept its failure of losing valuable and experienced doctors, nurses , social care workers , paramedics and ambulance crew for undervaluing their contribution & devoted services with the poor pay which has been demoralised for them resulting 100,000 of nurses, 100,000 of social care workers, 40,000 - 50,000 ambulance crew forced to go on strike and 150,000 doctors are short . 

NHS is paid £ 130 billion / year by the parliament to spend on patients , although still lowest in Europe but where that money is going ? Public question? 

Billions of pounds are allocated for the screening programs of the Breast cancers, Colonic cancers and Heart Screening . They should be used for the welfare of the patients , safeguard public , upbringing profession and supporting health professionals to maintain the NHS Services  . 

NHS beds in U.K. have been reduced from 153, 000 to 125 ,000 which is 27000 decrease in spite of growing number of patients in 1250 hospitals & trusts in U.K. 

What could be done? 

1. Increase NHS budget to pay doctors , nurses, ambulance crew , paramedics , social care workers in accordance with other European countries. 
2. Increase number of beds in the hospitals in U.K. to accommodate more patients. 
3. Employ skilled ,qualified and experienced doctors to help clearing the waiting lists . 
4. Highly qualified , skilled and experienced surgeons & physician should be brought back to work for the NHS to clear the waiting lists of patients.
5. Public should be encouraged to avoid obesity, discouraged sedentary life style , avoid eating junk food , stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake , healthy living style and education for doing regular exercises to maintain good health .                                                                

Dr Mohammad I Adil  MBBS. FRCSED U.K. FRCSI   General , Colorectal, Breast & Laparoscopic Surgeon 30 years NHS 


Tel: +44 7872969928

1. Framlingham Court, Shenley Church End 
Milton Keynes 
MK5 6HD 

Thank you . 04/01/2023

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