Her husband and child are rag dolls. Meirivone Rocha Moraes, 37, from Brazil, married a doll

1 year ago

Her husband and child are rag dolls.

Meirivone Rocha Moraes, 37, from Brazil, married a doll her mother made for her. She took pity on her daughter, who had suffered from loneliness and could not build a family of her own. So she made her a boy, complete with a moustache, dark hair, and blue eyes out of cloth. Meirivone liked him so much that she first got engaged and then married him.

That wasn’t the end of the story. A few months ago, the woman ‘gave birth’ to a son. She broadcast ‘the birth’, which included a doctor and a nurse, on social media. After that, the young family suffered both breakups (allegedly because of her husband’s cheating) and happy reunions. Check out our video for more details.

In Japan, perhaps more than anywhere else, dolls are preferred over real partners. The main character of , Akihiko Kondo, is married to a fictional character, but has different versions of his wife – digital, human-size one and small. He says he would never trade her for a live woman. Why so? Watch the film and find out

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