What is the deal with Osama and Obama?

1 year ago

Not making any claims here just letting this video speak for itself. Honestly though what is weird is that there are so many fake Osama Bin Laden photos. Post 9/11 none of the video evidence of Osama can be trusted, it is all fake.

Some other interesting things about Osama is that there has been reason to suspect that he was a CIA asset and that he was being used as a "blameshifter" for the 2000 USS Cole bombing.

Osama Bin Laden was #1 on FBI's most wanted list, how was he able to evade top US intelligence agencies for over 20 years? It's feasible that Osama bin laden was a CIA asset, he showed up on the scene during the soviet-afgan war during a time when the United States was funneling weapons to the Mujahideen to help them combat the soviet intervention. Osama bin laden was picked as the leader of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, After the Russian-Afgan war ended, I believe Osama may have remained a vital asset to the CIA.

He may have been helpful in assisting the Trans-Afghan pipeline a project that was being pursued by a company called UNICOL an American oil company with deep ties into the bush administration. However, there were concern about building the pipline with the Taliban in power, So in 1998 UNICOL invited the Taliban to a ranch in Texas to discuss the oil pipeline project (The Taliban was a obstacle preventing the pipeline project from getting started). Osama Bin Laden was rumored to have attended that meeting.

The Idea behind the Trans-Afgan pipeline is that once the pipeline is connected to the Indian Ocean it can be ran underwater to any other countries, namely China. Some even more eager have suggested that the plans are to run the pipeline from the Indian ocean directly into the United States. Which would provide us an untapped reservoir of oil coming from the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea produces at minimum 3 billion barrels of oil per day. So it is the key to controlling most of the world economy and energy consumption. The Caspian Sea is also shared by Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Iran.

Then in Sept. of 2001 the World Trade Center was attacked and blamed on guess who? Osama Bin Laden the reclusive CIA operative / leader of Taliban/Al-Qaeda. One month later G.W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and appointed Hamid Karzai (a former member on the board of UNICOL) as president of Afghanistan. The first decision Hamid Karzai made as president of Afghanistan was to approve the construction of the Trans-Afgan pipeline, which runs through Afghanistan from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean.

Obama's career is also quite interesting having strong connections to Kenya and Indonesia. I recall the 2008 primary debates, what was odd to me is that he wasn't a runner up during those debates. He showed up on the scene very late, during the bitter end of the DNC primaries and was catapult to the top above everyone as the top polling candidate and went head-to-head against Hillary Clinton. I remember thinking to myself, "where did this guy come from?"

Since the 2008 election, much speculation has risen that Obama was not who he said he is. The Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio launched a 5-yearlong investigation into the birth certificate presented by the White House in 2011 of President Obama.

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