GURPS Game Aid v0.15.19 Features video

1 year ago

Release 0.15.19 1/08/2023

Release 0.15.19 01/08/2023

- Add /mod command to allow setting of effects modifiers
- Change modifier tooltip to use effects modifiers
- Added drag and drop to Effect Modifier panel
- Default to opening Effects Modifier panel to left of the sidebar
- Added modifiers to Basic Abstract Difficulty icons
- Fixed drag and drop into Journal Entries

Release 0.15.18 12/31/2022

- Update to JB2a 0.5.3
- Fix editing of Will and Per attributes (thanks @JT314!)
- (Hopefully) fix the display of the rollable attribute on the GCS actor sheet.
- Include src ID for attributes rolled directly from the charactersheet.

Release 0.15.17 12/15/2022

- Allow attribute rolls (IQ, DX, etc.) to remember which character they came from using OtF sourceId (for GMs with multiple NPCs)
- Add support for RcL less than 1 (0.5), to support a weapon that shoots 2 rounds per attempt
- Fix /st ... @self to work with /sr command
- Workaround for UI blowing up (if player clicked on damage chat window to see rolls). Rolls are now always shown for damage chat msgs

Release 0.15.16 12/08/2022

- Added support for list of files using /sound chat command. /sound /dir/somefile.txt read text file (list of file names) and randomly picks one
- Prevent /anim error if no token or actor selected
- Fixed parsing of attacks with single quotes in name

Release 0.15.15 12/07/2022

- Fixed /anim targeting code is Warpgate is missing

Release 0.15.14 12/06/2022

- Fixed overlapping Github tags

Release 0.15.13 12/06/2022

- Added support for Warpgate module (in animations). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
- Shortened "Roll Damage" to "Damage" in successful hit msg
- Show error if PDF book code not found
- Allow case insensitive OTF for PDF
- Foundry item rename now correctly renames ranged attacks
- Fixed error in en lang selection warning
- Rounded down Strength based ranges to nearest integer
- Updated to JB2A 0.5.2

Release 0.15.12 11/17/2022

- Fixed chat display of OTF modifiers (including "+0")

Release 0.15.11 11/10/2022

- Change Github release.yml to include 'utils'
- Fixed more Item issues caused by the v9-v10 upgrade. Items will now split and combine by name.

Release 0.15.10 11/10/2022

- Change system.json to report RAW zip file (will fix /anim issues)

Release 0.15.9 11/10/2022

- Update to JB2A 0.5.1
- Fix for (Mod Bucket stops after one modifier is clicked if not using mouseover to open).
- Fixed MANY issues with Items in Foundry v10
- Fixed alternate attribute based OtFs, e.g. Sk:Brawling (Based:ST)

Release 0.15.8 11/06/2022

- Fixed portrait upload not working for users
- Fixed modifier not updating for multiple selections in some instances

Release 0.15.7 10/10/2022

- Fixed chat commands not returning true/false (for use in /if commands)
- Fixed trackers not setting max value on import.
- Fixed UI being moved off-screen when expanding damage calculation.

Release 0.15.6 10/02/2022

- Fixed GCS 5 import when melee attack has no level.
- Fixed GCS 5 disad calculations.
- Added support for /st + standing to allow you to clear other postures (to help support TAH feature)
- Update to JB2A 0.5.0

Release 0.15.5 9/28/2022

- Fixed drag and drop items between non-GM characters
- Minor GCS 5.0 import changes

Release 0.15.4 9/27/2022

- GCS 5.0 import, yeah!

Release 0.15.3 9/19/2022

- Fixed yard count for ruler, thanks @SrAndros!
- Fixed infinite tracker import loop
- Removed duplicate handlebar helpers
- Fixed /ra bug
- Possible solution to funky damage chat issue (

Release 0.15.2 9/15/2022

- Fixed journal entry page text duplication bug

Release 0.15.1 9/14/2022

- Fixed call to missing obsolete migration methods.
- Updated Users Doc PDF
- Support JournalEntryPage drag&drop
- Fixed targeted rolls made by a specific actor will remember that actor (especially when clicking 'follow on' damage after hit)

Release 0.15.0 9/11/2022

- Updated the system for compatibility with FoundryVTT version 10
- Updated GCA5 export script (GCA5-14)
- Updated /select (/sel) command to accept \* as only parameter (and selects all tokens)
- Updated targetted /anim commands to prompt for target, instead of just reporting error

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