We Want YOUR Opinion! What Do YOU Want From Electrician U?

1 year ago

Electrician U was created to help other electricians by providing insight to how the electrical community works and help those followers to be better at our trade. In this latest episode of Electrician U, Dustin talks about some of the things that are on the horizon and is asking his followers what they want to see from the platform as a whole.


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Electrician U has been around for over 6 years and has grown exponentially in that time. During this time of growth, Dustin has started several other platforms to promote Electrician U. There is a Discord channel, Continuing Education/Exam Prep, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, and a website. Heck, even a line of tool belts and workwear is being designed and tested. But having said all of that, what is it that you, as followers of Electrician U, want to see from the platform as a whole?
Several months ago, Dustin’s mentor was involved in a wicked wreck. Without hesitation, Dustin jumped in to help run his mentor’s company while he healed up. Which brings up a super valid point. When we have the opportunity to help someone, we should all be willing to do just that. None of us just rolled out of the womb being bad ass electricians. We all had to be mentored and taught. Its super important for each one of us to teach not only the next generation of electricians, but also just help others when we can. The world would be a better place for it, that’s for sure!! Ok, rant over!!
So, what is it y’all would like to see from Electrician U? Are there different areas where the platform can improve? Are there things that we ARE doing that you do like? Do you want to see more of those things we are doing right? How do you feel about the layout of the website? Is it easy to follow or are there improvements that can make the flow of things better? Please leave some comments in the comment section of this video to give us some ideas. There have been discussions about developing an App to assist in electrical learning. Is that something that you as followers of Electrician U would like to see more development on? Also, Dustin has had some ideas about releasing some NFT to help build up the platform. Let us know if that is something that you feel would help yall to be able to get more out of all of this.
In general, we are asking for your opinions on what you would like to get out of all this! Overall, as a brand, we value each and every one of you, and want you to get the most out of Electrician U. Feel free to leave some comments below and let us know what you want to see and where you would like all this to go!

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