How to Save the Environment?

1 year ago

How can we save the environment?  We are told that capitalism just ravishes the environment.  There’s a difference between cliché and reality.  The truth will set you free.  As the late Walter Williams would say: this doesn’t even pass the smell test.  One of the common myths about capitalism: it ravishes the environment and uses all resources as quickly as possible.  However, capitalism preserves the environment, and resources along with it.  It is statism that ravishes the environment.

Capitalism has a long-term view.  Unlike statism, which has a very short-term view.  I like the example of a mine.   Take the owner of a mine.  How will he proceed?  Well, he will not mine it as quickly as possible.  That will destroy the capital value and all future income from the mine.  The owner will want to sell it for a profit.  That can’t happen if the mine is empty.  Say the resource in the mine is in short supply.  What will happen?

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