Stories in Your Head - Make The Change You Want To See

2 years ago

Have you ever felt like you were being passed up by your peers? Or that you just aren’t good enough to keep going at what you are working for? In the latest episode of Electrician U, Dustin explores the difficult topics of self-doubt/self-worth and offers some advice on how to combat those feelings and work to be the best you!

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One of the things that perhaps makes us feel that way, can be age. The difference say between being a boy and being a man (or a girl and a woman!). Continuing the story as our folks have told us to (which isn’t bad, not at all!!), doing the only way we have known how, versus writing our own story, making our own decisions based upon what experiences we have had and those we wish to have. That is the difference between boyhood and man hood. Write your own story, go your own way in life! It is YOUR life after all.
Take for instance being an electrician (or tradesman). While many in society may look down upon blue collar workers, someone must keep the lights on, right?! We get to work with our hands and build cool things!! And some folks will beat us up about not going to college and not having anything while working in said construction job. But that is where we need to make some choices. We can listen to those folks (and perhaps the voices in our own heads) telling us that we are not good enough, or we can become the best version of ourselves that we can! Be the best electrician, start a you tube channel, do a podcast- whatever it is you are led/feel compelled to do! Its up to each of us, but we needn’t listen to everyone else to define us and what success should be.
And, if you are not happy with those choices that you have made, then make others! Change your trajectory!! Set goals and have a plan. Get into a routine. Wake up early and get ready for your day, in lieu of waking up at the very last second and screaming into work. Be responsible and plan for unforeseen things (like traffic, accidents, or stop lights). Be that guy/gal that shows up for work ready to make the most out of the day, not the one who is just existing through it! And while you are setting those goals, make sure and write them down/type them. Written goals tend to be the ones that we stick to the best! And then break those goals down into the yearly, weekly, daily steps that you need to take to achieve those goals. Make sure also to reward yourself along the way when you achieve those goals! That way, you don’t get to the end only to realize that it wasn’t all that great, and you are immediately on to the next one! They can be small rewards or large, that is all dependent on you, the individual
Positive thinking is also super important! You are in control of your thoughts, no one else is! Be appreciative of what you DO have, be appreciative of yourself. We are not perfect, and sometimes the negative thoughts creep back in. But, when that happens, recognize it, and change those thoughts. Not to play down serious dark thoughts. If it’s a constant deep/dark pattern that you cannot shake, then consider speaking to a professional and getting some help.
We hope that this has been helpful for you to recognize your own worth and give you some tools to help vault you along to reach your goals? What are some of the things that you do to motivate yourself? Leave some of those things in the comment section below; we would love to hear!! Please continue to follow Electrician U as we are constantly making new content to assist our followers along on their journey to being the best self that they can be!!

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