Truck Talk!!! Let's Talk About BURNOUT

2 years ago

While there are many aspects of the construction industry that are great, fun, and exciting, Burnout is NOT one of them. In this latest episode of Electrician U, Dustin talks about some of the things required of you to run a company and how those things can lead to Burnout.

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There are many ways to get yourself into the burnout phase, but by far the most common would be overextending yourself by tackling too many tasks at one time. As a company owner, or anyone really that is involved in keeping a company running, one must constantly be straddling the line between a healthy and non-healthy work habits! That doesn’t mean that you can’t find a home life/work life balance. You can, but it is a very elusive beast that usually does NOT come into play until many years of sacrifice have been made. There are so many facets of a successful construction company (or any business for that matter) that go unseen to most people. There are people to be hired, customers to line up for work, emails, invoicing, bills, materials that need to be ordered, picked up, and distributed and the list keeps going on and on!
So, with so many tasks, one could simply hire more people to take care of those tasks so one person wouldn’t have to do them all. Seems simple enough. But in doing so now that person (and their families) is relying on you to provide them with enough work to keep them busy and get paid. And the more people you have, the more people you must support. And that train goes round! Not saying that it isn’t worth it to be a successful business owner, you just have to understand that it WILL require much sacrifice from you (and those around you, namely your immediate family) and you may not reap the benefits or your hard work for some time. In other words, you must prepare yourself for the inevitable line of burnout that you will be walking.
One of the first things to do when embarking on this journey is to ask yourself if its worth it to you. There will be many late nights, early mornings, weekends, missed events and so on. But if it is something that you truly enjoy doing, or something you feel that strongly about, then by all means, take it on! You will just have to steel yourself to push thru the tough times. But you will still have to make time to take care of yourself. If you flog it so hard, after a while, you will start to lose some of you (if that makes any sense at all!!). You may also become ineffective at what it is that you were trying to accomplish in the first place. You need to take care of your obligations, your people, and things like that, but one must take care of themselves too, at some point.
But, having said that, as a business owner or business manager, you must find some time and make that time work. So, while it may not be the time you would like, use what you have. Whether its unwinding at the end of the day with a book for a few minutes, or watching a video on social media, or treating yourself to a cold drink after a hard day’s work. Whatever you can squeeze in there to help keep your sanity and make your hard work worthwhile. Just keep pushing thru it! Sometimes its just sitting and talking/venting to someone who understands and that you trust. Trust me, that helps a lot to verbalize things and get them off your chest! And then once you are done, then pick up and keep going on! Asking for help is another way to get some resolution to issues. If you don’t know HOW to accomplish something or WHEN or WHY, maybe someone you know WILL! But you don’t know that until you ask!
We hope this has been insightful into the subject of burnout and what it may look like to run a company. We all have stories like this to tell. What are some of yours? We would love to hear them in the comment section below!
Please continue to follow Dustin and Electrician U as we are constantly adding new content to enlighten our followers!

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