10 Simple Ways To Deal With Fear | Bio Energy Healing | Certified Practitioner Course Online

2 years ago

10 simple ways to deal with fears on a day-to-day basis.
Fear can be a healthy emotion. It can protect us from engaging in unhealthy or dangerous activities. But, if it is affecting or controlling our everyday lives, it can be a crippling and debilitating emotion which needs to be identified and dealt with.
Do you feel fearful? Do you know the cause of your fear? Here are some types of fear to name just a few:
A very common fear is fear of the unknown.
Fear of a visit to your doctor or dentist.
Fear of an upcoming exam or event.
Fear of loss; When loss is experienced, especially the loss of someone close, fear of loss can create a fear of being emotionally close to someone in case we lose again.
Fear of becoming ill, losing our independence and becoming dependent on other people. This is why its important to maintain your own good health.
Fear of not having enough; can cause a hoarding pattern, holding on to anything whether it be of value or not. It can also cause greed.
Fear of failure; can prevent us from moving forward and being successful.
Fear of success; can cause us to hold back on job promotion etc, because of the pressure and the responsibility it may entail.
Fear of change; can inhibit us from moving on in life, expanding and taking on life’s challenges.
Fear of letting go; can cause a holding pattern. Holding on to outdated belief systems, holding on to jobs, properties, families and relationships that are no longer of any learning value to us.
Fear of trust; When trust has been broken, we may have a fear of trusting again.

Watch this video to learn 10 effective ways to deal and cope with your fears.
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Written by John Donohoe and Patricia Hesnan and presented by John Donohoe. John is Head Tutor and Co-Founder of Healing Courses Online, Bio Energy Therapist, Master Sound Healer, Teacher, Speaker and Course Facilitator.
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