CAROL bike review–Double your fitness in 26 minutes per week with the world’s best & first AI bike

1 year ago

THE CAROL bike is designed BY SCIENTISTS,ENGINEERS & DOCTORS in the lab for enjoying at home.That’s just a taster of what it took to bring you an AI-enabled exercise smart bike that allows you to attain results that were previously only observed in the lab.Get a personalized effective workout.

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Carol exercise bike review – delivers the same cardio benefit of a 45-minute run in an 8-minute ride

CAROL bike workouts health benefits
Become more fit and healthy
CAROL is the most efficient technique to increase your aerobic capacity, resulting in leaner, fitter, and healthier results.

Reduce your weight
The ‘after burn’ feature on CAROL burns more calories after you get off the bike than it does while you’re on it. Insulin sensitivity improvements help you become more metabolically versatile and efficient at burning fat for energy.

Take care of your health
CAROL’s workouts are shorter than other forms of exercise, putting less effort on your body while yet giving various health advantages.

Variety is better
CAROL may be used with Peloton Digital and Apple Fitness+ programs, and it will soon allow you to participate in a Zwift or Kinomap race.

THE SCIENCE BEHIND CAROL-Science and technology combined
4 academic collaborations.There have been several peer-reviewed studies.An active research and development program, as well as a data science staff. CAROL pushes the boundaries of HIIT research in academia.

How does CAROL bike work?
Step 1 – Warm up
It takes 2 minutes. Slow pedaling will prepare you for the sprints.

Step 2 – Sprint
It just takes 20 seconds. Within 10-15 seconds of your initial sprint, your glycogen will be depleted, and chemicals that signal other changes will be released.

Step 3 – Recovery
It only takes 3 minutes. Recovery is critical for a successful second sprint.

Step 4 – Sprint
It just takes 20 seconds. The molecules released during the initial sprint are now triggered, resulting in a series of changes that result in a fitter, leaner, and healthier you.

Step 5 – Cool Down
It only takes 3 minutes. These three minutes lower your blood pressure and return you to “normal” after all of your hard effort. CAROL provides mindfulness breathing guides that will help you de-stress in minutes and get back to whatever you were doing.Amazing smart health innovation

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