Key Lessons I Learned Outsourcing my Dropshipping Business

2 years ago

I spent $20,000 on virtual assistants to run my ecommerce stores so YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO. And in today’s video we’re going to cover exactly what I learned from it. Was it worth it? Would I do it again? Should you think about hiring someone for your business?

If you’re new to the channel, my name is Bryan. I run an eCom company that does multiple six figures a year in profit and I want to help you do the same.

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The first thing I realized pretty quickly was to get over 6 figures in profit you need to outsource. I’m a strong believer that getting to six figures as an entrepreneur is simply about 2 things….the right business vehicle….and hard work… that order. The boat you choose is far more important than how hard you row. You still do need to row hard though of course.

But working 14 hour days day after day just for the sake of “hustling or grinding” will lead to burn out eventually. So if that’s you and you’re actually making some money, it’s time to start thinking about outsourcing some of your daily tasks. It allows your business to maintain the same productivity for the most part, but frees up your time so you can focus on big picture things or new frontiers. We always hear the saying “work on your business, not in it.” This is a solution to that.

Hiring and training people takes A LOT of time….but it’s worth it
• You should be spending a lot of time vetting potential hires.
• A good hire can exponentially increase the output of your business, but a bad one can completely tank it….and waste your time
• Test and interview more people before you hire someone. Don’t just bring on the first person you interview.

Be a Leader. Not a boss.
• A boss is someone who barks orders at their employees and isn’t often liked or respected
• A leader is someone who shows through example…and is also willing to roll their sleeves up and do the work too.
• Just because your hiring other people to work for you, you still want to show them you’re working hard too….and ideally you’re both working hard toward a common goal. They’ll respect you a lot more for this….and they’ll work a lot harder too.

Build systems and hire people to implement those systems
• If you simply hire someone for a job, you’re at their mercy. And you’re SOL if they decide to quit. Then you’re right back where you started with a lot of time wasted hiring and training someone new.
• Instead, if you build a system that anyone can implement. Not only is it extremely easy for them to understand and master because it’s typically step by step how you do something….but also it protects you because they’re much more easier to replace with someone else that can implement that system.

You also don’t want to look for the cheapest people.
• Pay your people more than other people are willing to. They’ll be much more willing to work for you consistently, and go the extra mile…..Plus, you’ll be their best option.
• If you pay them what everyone else is paying them, they’re not going to care more about you and your business. And they could leave you any day for a better opportunity….which is really bad if you’ve spent a lot of time and money training them.

You have to be at a point where you can offer them consistent work. If you can’t, you won’t be a priority…..or they’ll constantly be looking for other options to fill that space & earn more.

Go after people that are hard workers AND solve their own problems.
• if you’re paying someone to get a job done so you don’t have to, the last thing you want is someone who stops at every possible speed bump and asks you what they should do.

Being a manager is a different skill you have to learn
• When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re used to working, used to the grind. But one thing you have to take into account is once you have 2+ employees, you’ll need to manage those employees every day too.

You don’t need 1000 virtual assistants
• I see other people talking about how they have like 20 VAs like that’s some kind of badge of honor. You don’t need a lot of Virtual Assistants. You only need a few great ones.

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