If u were God?!

1 year ago

If you were God in Police state of genocidal murder govt stealing killing everythig around you,what would you wish for?

Would you create a large gang that walks up and murders police at traffic lights in their cars? Would ypu sneak a nuke into DC?
Would you turn entire military against murder vaxx govt to be murdered overnight?
What would you do?

Tasers and covid dont mix


Happy Martin Luther king day, whoever deletes dies,name ' King ' synchronized few years back with David, ChristiaN, Mary Joseph, Robert. CHEN, victoria. RALPH,SOLOMAN, cedrick entertainer, Mandela effect when i asked for Mandela to return sfter his death.. Im mortal God. Everyone stole with genocidal US govt trying to kill constantly, now im returning the favor times millions. Or when ouija board said next day past mame i heard. So they always listening, planning on all your lives, the dead are!
I saved one fish today on bank, bird didnt eat..also..all 4 of my beta fish were named " Fisher" i was reading tom clancy splintercell: Double agent, years ago only book i read of his, main char. Name is ' Fisher' Tom clancy dies while i was in middle of reading this book, and peoples deaths correlated to my research hasnt stopped!

What if alien invasion, the beings that can cliak themselves are going around stealing lifeforces or such, and we vaxxed our entire planet so aliens could take over?




elite laundered trillions from US citizens to build underground bunkers to hide in. the elite nuked and murdered everyone for planets resources and tech.. plain n simple bitches. Youtube: sumsco Vanpat, P Npde, Anomaly nobody
Elite stole from mortal god, murdering all of messiahs people with vaxx, next they nuke you all, i tried to warn you all.
How usa launders trillions
Brokest govt on earth has underground bunkers to hide in,

Tv just said " you know"! As i typed it. Wow! I love it when it does that, proves Heaven existence!
USA setup planet earth with its 32 trillion dollar broke ass self its murdering everyone with vaxx to gey away. Duhrrr
Trudeau Canada - Drugs shop which will sell heroin and crack begin to open up nationwide
Govt making money off everyone using it, since prisons sp expensive..lmfao, fucking crooks setting up everyone..prison reform just creates more murderers in ass raping jails..now everyone has aids from prisons or vaxx so now all drugs legal.

When all charges dropped for murder hospital patient, then all hospitals are murdering everyone.

China underground organ harvesting like usa planned parent hood under clintons, no wonder china and usa released corona virus t9 finish killing everyone off, since planet found out, like when i found out all US president pedos then they began murdering you all with vaxx after stealing my alien tech past 30 years to make universe murder all rude god murdering humans on Earth!

Im running a mind test on all govt and police, picture punching every govt employee, president, police. Military in the heart. See if you can kill them all with your mind. They locked you all up for pandemic after stealing my tech for 30 years i was trying to save ypur planet with,but now im destroying your rude, greedy, god murdering planet of shit. You fell for govt vietnam, gulf of tolken, enron, 9/11 ,even hand control over to muslims in middle of iraq war over muslims dropping your towers that i predicted two days prior when i wished drath on 1000's 2 days prior, then two days later 9/11 1000's die, i designed fukushima extinction level event to kill everyone on earth with 11.5 tons Plutonium, only takes handful of plutonium to kill everyone on eRth, whole govt pushing 5g radiation 12 times microwave radiation and eatimg fukushima radiation, as govt lied a out banans cesium 137 radiation instead.
I had 5 attempts on my life since 1986 , all my friends, blocked ,deleteand, murdered, through
Facebook faggot zuckerburg, i told id hit with earthquake may 4,2018, next day cali quake may 5,2018. I pictured cdc scientist getting abducted to give viruses to my aliens to drop on meteors correlated to my research all pver earth, after i pictured pigs dying by the milliobs, then millions pigs die on chin

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