PART 2 Livestreaming Several important Election Integrity bills Senate Elections Committee

1 year ago

MAAP REAL PRESENTS: SB1066: Election Mailings Third Party disclosures:

Requires any nongovernmental person or entity that mails an official election-related document or a document that resembles an official election-related document to include the disclosure not from a government agency on the outside of the envelope.

SB1068: Election Board Workers:

Requires the inspector, marshal and judges of an election board for an election precinct, voting center or other voting location to include at least one member of each of the two political parties that cast the highest number of votes in the state at the last general election (two largest political parties), rather than an equal number of members from each of the two largest political parties.

SB1095 Early Ballot Return Envelope language: Requires the envelope accompanying an early ballot to state:

Failure to mail an early ballot or deposit an early ballot in a ballot drop box

by the Friday before the election will result in delayed election results.

SB1105: Early Ballots, Election Day Tabulation;

Requires, rather than allows, every county recorder to provide for a method for an elector to have the elector's completed early ballot tabulated on site at a polling place or voting center (voting location) according to outlined requirements.

SB1135 Spoiled Early Ballots Election Day (Emergency Vote Centers):

Requires an early ballot not delivered or mailed to the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections to be exchanged by the voter at a polling place or voting center by 7:00 p.m. on election day in order to be counted and valid. Repeals a county board of supervisors' (county BOS) authority to establish the use of emergency voting centers.

SB1141: Early Ballot Drop-off, Identification:

Requires an election board to require a voter or voter's agent who delivers a voted early ballot to a polling place, voting center or emergency voting center (voting location) to provide identification that contains the voter's or voter's agent's name and attest to prescribed requirements in writing.

SB1144: Electronic Adjudication, Prohibition:

Prohibits the use of an electronic vote adjudication system and requires, for damaged or defective ballots that cannot be properly counted by the automatic tabulating equipment, a duplicate copy of the ballot to be made by hand.

SB1170: Ballot drop boxes, Prohibition:

Prohibits a county recorder or other officer in charge of elections from using an unmonitored drop-box for receipt of voted ballots or from allowing a voter to receive a ballot and vote from a vehicle, unless otherwise required by law for elderly voters or voters with disabilities.

SB1178: Early Voting, Identification, Signature:

Deems an early ballot issued at any voting location, during the period of early voting after presenting and confirming identification, as ready for tabulating.

SB1180: Voter registrations, payment prohibited:

Prohibits a person from paying or receiving anything of value based on the number of voter registrations or voter registration forms collected, completed or submitted.

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