Great call-in! RUMBLE ONLY clip (Spiritual Censorship Revocation in description)

1 year ago

The full revocation text can be found below:

Laura Massey & Maty Waller -

Dale Tobin - Symmetry of health -

Want a reading with Andrew Bartzis? Book a session at:

And Thursday, February 2nd, 2023, you can tune in at 11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT for another New Teachings episode with the Galactic Historian, Two Feathers Medicine, & Symmetry of Health. Its a mystery episode!

JOIN US this FRIDAY for a special Galactic Historian Entertainment livestream! We start with live comedy with Monty Dean & Melissa Hocking-Hughes at 12pm AEDT / 5pm PST / 8pm EST. The second hour is exclusive on Rumble, followed by casual chat & gaming with Andrew & friends over a game of World of Warcraft! You can join us on the Kel'Thuzad server.

And check out Andrew's episode on Gaia!


Revocation of Spiritual Censorship

I set out my medicine wheel of the cycle of my life through time and no time, my sacred loop of lessons . I sit beneath the same stars my ancestors sit beneath , breathing the air they breathed and I bathe in the realization and warmth of that connection and that cocreation.
This lap on my my life’s medicine wheel shows the lessons of growth and the expansion of the light of self mastery . The inner potency and desire to be a forerunner of change, evocator of self illumination and teacher of self hood and neutrality in a natural way.
With these sacred neutral teachers I’ve joined on this path we create a frequency of teaching light that is threatening and fearful to those who remain in ignorance due to their unwillingness to investigate further our messages of sovereignty and peace .
Invoking the power of my Medicine Wheel Teaching I stand tall, free and unashamed as I revoke your opinions in the form of censorship which has no educated research and shows how deep your hypocrisy is , and your complete lack of knowledge on the functioning of the universe . For You cannot stop the universe from universing. How can you possibly hope to limit the unlimited ? How can any suppression expect to stem the natural flow of universal forces? Your very stance of censorship proves the validity of our message. Your preconceived notions and ill conceived actions of censorship only serve to enhance our messages by creating greater interest and investigation which unravels the lies you bestow upon us and with this you become a self fulfilling prophesy of your own irrelevance. For if our teachings weren’t potent and making a difference to conscious awareness you would not take such draconian measures.
We revoke these measures of dismissal and suppression which try to inhibit our universal communications of teaching peace and your attempts to impede spiritual advancement. Your bailiwicks do not extend to natural cocreation. We do not require your permission to be free. Freedom is our natural state and no crown or gown can strip us of it
I summon the Laws of The Unlimited Point of View . I call in my Spiritual Courts of Universal Equity to measure and illuminate the consequences of Censorship upon the free willed beings in this now time on earth and wherever my light body exists where any system deliberately misleads, pretending we live in a world of individual thinkers and free expression but where it is co-opted and the world is censored. I am not a willing participant. The earth is not a place of censorship. I align myself with earth mother and call for remedy and resolve as your censorship tries to trample our inconvenient truths. There can be no justification to the zealot objections and sophistry . We cannot be dismissed by what is not real. You’re on a road to nowhere and you keep missing all the dead end signs. For you fear consciousness. You fear the very thing that fuels natural organic evolution , the very thing that would keep you expanding were you to chose it. To deny the obvious is absurd! In our expression we offer our views of peace without treading on another’s journey. It’s offered as a choice. Your rules of censorship are thwarting others choices by force. This is not in alignment with natural laws
Your anticipation that we will crawl back under our rock of shame held in place by a broken system is as self deceiving as it is untenable . For you might hold temporary control, but we hold internal, eternal power.
We revoke your quest to force upon us your Legacy of Consciousness Silence and it’s impact on our future generations . We will not change our words to fit your narrative . Our greater reality of self empowerment of peace is unstoppable. For this is how we roll with the universe. We have not fallen apart nor have our wheels come off in your distraction potholes

I hold up my head not in an egoic pride but in a stoic pride because my soul has withstood the eons of time and no time to be here now. I carry the courage of my ancestors, their wisdom, their tenacity, their sheer will to survive and their love, faith and belief in me maintains my existence on the leading edge of consciousness. My heart was forged in the fires of my ancestors. Love cannot be silenced . The Wisdoms, Thoughts, Dreams and Beliefs I carry in my heart, in my DNA , you cannot censor. For they make my reality as I co-create with the universe . There is no energy that can censor that. I carry my own internal censorship as my moral compass. Arrogance and fear is never a match for Great Mystery and Great Spirits cocreation with those who carry the internal and eternal flame of their soul through their lifetimes . For each life lived and lived well is a resource for our next life. And we have lived thousands of lives and emanate the love and progress of the universe whether we are aware of it or not . The creation of our own unique values that deconstruct your lies is our birthright as the universal unlimited point of view.
I turn again to my Medicine Wheel with immense appreciation for this censorship teaching; with an inner trust that all is well and and inner knowing that universal truth needs no defence. It simply exists and access to it is our natural birthright and rights of passage.


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