Genesis | Pt. 27 The Process of Potential

1 year ago

Join Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer in Tulsa, OK for Genesis Pt. 27 - The Process of Potential

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Sermon Notes:

Genesis 25:19-24
God said there were two nations in her
She gave birth though to two boys
God identified the POTENTIAL in her
God has placed things inside of you that you don't even know
He has placed potential in you
You are here on purpose, divine assignment
100 million sperm went after your mother's egg
You are here on purpose
God has placed something in you that you are to deliver to the world
You are not here to make a living and die; you are here to make a difference
God created you with a purpose and equipped you with potential to accomplish your purpose
Purpose = Why something exists
Potential = Ability to accomplish purpose
Before you live out your purpose you have to tap into your potential


Potential is a tricky word; what actually is potential
Potential is not what you have accomplished
There is more in you; God never stops pulling more out of you
The one who created you knows there is more in you
God says, "Behold, I'm ready to do a NEW thing."
God is creative
God is a God of potential; He uses the word to describe himself


Write down 2 words
OMNI = All
POTENT = Power, Might, Ability (Potential)
Combine the words = OMNIPOTENT
Omnipotent = All Powerful, All Might, All Ability, All Potential
God is full of potential
Everything that exists was created by God
Colossians 1:16-17
It is estimated there could be 2 trillion galaxies
God created all this
The Bible says, "Before anything was, God is."
Before anything was ever created there was God
And before God made anything, everything was already in God
God released what was already in Him through His Word
God created everything that is, yet He is STILL Omnipotent
God is still All Powerful, He is still All Mighty, He is still full of potential
God is able to do more than what He has already done
Genesis 17:1

The End Before The Start

God will never tell you do something that He has not already finished
He is Alpha & Omega
Before anything becomes something; it already is finished in Him
God is looking for people to start what He has already finished
God finishes everything before He ever starts it
Revelation 13:8
How was the Lamb slain before the foundations of the world?
Ephesians 1:4
Before something ever begins, it's already finished in Him
He is Alpha & Omega, He is the author & the finisher
Isaiah 46:8-10
He makes known the end; meaning it's already finished
He sets the end and then He goes back to the start
God is looking for people to start what He has already finished
When God asks you to start something that means He has already finished it
This is why God never panics
God puts the finished thing in the start of the thing; it is called a SEED
God does not give us apples, He gives us seed
God does not give us full grown human adults; He places seed in a man to be planted in woman that will give birth to a child
And God says about that child, "Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I already knew you."
Meaning = Before you ever started in her, you were already finished in Him
7.7 billion people alive today; all came from 1
Billions of people all contained in 1 man, who was a seed
Got put the finished in the start of the thing
Adam was full of potential
How does a mustard seed become the kingdom of God?
You should be very cautious how you treat other people
You have no idea what they are carrying within them
We do not have the ability to see potential; we see patterns
Samuel went to the house of Jesse to anoint a King
He saw a shepherd boy; God saw a King

Potential Is A Mystery

Potential is a mystery though
Just because you have potential that doesn't mean you fulfill your purpose
Saddest place in the world is a cemetery
You are supposed to die empty not full of potential
For potential to manifest into purpose there is a process
2 Kings 13:14-19
The potential for TOTAL victory was announced but TOTAL victory did not manifest
Untapped potential
He stopped short
We stop the process
Potential - Pain - Purpose
Potential is in Seed Form
You will never know the potential of a seed until it's planted
Seeds don't go in the ground to die
You have to release what God has place in you
What destroys a seed or what destroys potential?
Bad soil
A really good seed can produce nothing if it's in the wrong environment
What surrounds the seed is as important as what is in the seed
What are you surrounded by? Better yet... who are you surrounded by?
Some of you have good soil but you continually uproot yourself
Embrace the process
Don't quit on the process
Some seeds take longer to sprout than others
Embrace the process
Don't quit on what God has placed in you
Pain gives birth to purpose
Start what God has finished
Time, Talent & Treasure

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