You MUST win the RACE to 911: Here. Is. Why.

1 year ago

What is the race to 911 following a defensive gun use? Attorney Tom Grieve and his jacked up collar details what is the race to 911, what does it involve, what are the stakes, and what can happen if you lose.

Often people forget that just because you survived the kinetic incident, the lethal force encounter in your home or in the street, that there is another lethal force encounter coming: the justice system. If you lose that one you can spend life behind bars. So why do you need to call 911? That is this video for every conceal carrier.

This video is the first in a two part installment about 911. The next video about how to handle the 911 operator is on the way: so stay tuned.

Also, check out how to handle the 911 operator at this link below

#2ndamendment #ccw #raceto911

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